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Explanation of secondbrain and graphs #1071

Open tomsmith8 opened 3 months ago

tomsmith8 commented 3 months ago

Onboarding and Introduction:

Objective: Welcome the user and introduce them to SecondBrain.

Welcome Screen: A clear and concise welcome message explaining the purpose of the platform.

Tutorial/Guide: A tutorial explaining the basics of knowledge graphs and ontologies.


Welcome Screen Headline: Welcome to SecondBrain!

Subheadline: Let's create and manage your knowledge graph with ease.

Introduction Paragraph:

Copy Discover the power of interconnected data. SecondBrain helps you visualize and organize information in a way that's meaningful for your project. Begin by setting up your graph, and then dive into crafting your ontology. Whether you're mapping out complex data relationships or simply categorizing information, our tool will guide you through each step.

User Tutorial/Guide

Step-by-Step Walkthrough:

Introduction to Knowledge Graphs

Brief explanation of what a knowledge graph is and its benefits. Use simple diagrams or animations to illustrate the concept.

Core Ontology Concepts

Define key terms like "Node", "Edge", "Property", and "Relationship". Visual examples to show how these elements come together in a graph.

Practical Use Cases

Present real-world examples of knowledge graphs in use. Highlight various domains like business intelligence, research, or content management.

Getting Started

Initial actions the user can take to start their knowledge graph. Encouragement to think about the types of entities and relationships they want to model.

Antanasijevic commented 3 months ago

@tomsmith8 Here are 2 drafts, as a suggestion for the concept of the onboarding. Since page is supposed to be pretty much empty, with "Get started" button,
do you think we can just make a simple Onboarding/landing page like this? Please, let me know if these concepts make sense.

Option 1 In this version, we can show introductory text on the left side with "Get started" Button. On the right side we can place video loop showing second brain graph in action. Click on "Get started opens a tutorial slides with video/animations, and ends up with fields with graph name and description (i am missing that page in this preview).

Figma prototype

Option 2 In this option we can start with introductory text on left side, and instantly show tutorial slides on the right side, ending up with fields with graph name and description

Figma Prototype

Related Tickets #1072 #1070

Antanasijevic commented 3 months ago

@tomsmith8 It would be great if we can discuss tutorials we want to show, so we can make mockup animations or graphics for each. Exact wording can be fixed later.

tomsmith8 commented 3 months ago

I think these concepts are great - will be great to discuss