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Progress Bar - Success or Failure #885

Open tomsmith8 opened 5 months ago

tomsmith8 commented 5 months ago


Improve current progress bar for success or failure events:


Submitting content or adding a node should feel awesome. Maybe a cool node/graph animation?

Antanasijevic commented 5 months ago

@tomsmith8 Here are the current versions. Do you want to keep loader, or should we close notification after few sec, or if user clicks anywhere?

image image

Antanasijevic commented 4 months ago

@tomsmith8 Here are notes based on what we discussed. Please check it out and let me know if we should make any changes.

Success Notification When creating new item on graph, created item should appear in the center of the graph, while green success message can show up in top right corner, below budget, while budget button can blink green indicating change (-10 sats)


Generic Error Messages Modal like this should be used in situations where there are several steps in process and entire process fails. Error message should stay in the same size as modal before that.


Simple error message

Error message like should be used for forms and buttons indicating error of a particular field, or button.



Antanasijevic commented 4 months ago

@tomsmith8 Here is closest animation preview i could make in Figma

Figma prototype