Backend for sphinx tribes and bounties. The bounty platform pays out in bitcoin. Sign up with Sphinx Chat, complete a bounty, and earn bitcoin! Go to our website for available bounties.
For context this is the flow for the Feature Brief Generation:
Create a new webhook at /features/brief
Add middleware logic to unpack the data object.
Retrieve current feature brief
Merge and Update Feature Brief
Update on page load
1. Create a new webhook
Create a webhook in sphinx-tribes/routes/features.go that will receive data from the Stakwork API at proposed route features/brief")
This would be:
2. Add logic to unpack the data object.
Output from Stakwork workflow will be in the following format.
We should verify that the featureUUID is correct and present in the database.
"output": {
"featureBrief":"Long string to be added into the Feature Brief.",
"audioLink": "URL can be discarded",
"featureUUID": "1111-2222-3333-4444"
We will need to consolidate the Feature Brief update with the existing Data in Feature Brief.
For context this is the flow for the Feature Brief Generation:
1. Create a new webhook
Create a webhook in
that will receive data from the Stakwork API at proposed routefeatures/brief")
This would be:
2. Add logic to unpack the data object.
Output from Stakwork workflow will be in the following format. We should verify that the featureUUID is correct and present in the database.
We will need to consolidate the Feature Brief update with the existing Data in Feature Brief.
3. Retrieve current feature brief
r.Get("/{uuid}", featureHandlers.GetFeatureByUuid)
4. Update Feature brief
${prevFeatureBrief}\n\n* Generated Feature Brief *\n\n${featureBrief}
r.Post("/", featureHandlers.CreateOrEditFeatures)
in only the Feature Brief is being updated here is an example:
5. Test by refreshing the feature page.
On reload of the feature site page the new brief should be visible
Assignment Criteria
Before requesting assignment:
Acceptance Criteria
Webhook Implementation: