Closed tesseralis closed 1 year ago
Welcome @turdiyev, @shoyadbek, @doniyor2109, @jaloliddin-kuldoshev, @rustamwin! Feel free to talk Uzbek, Russian or English here, I understand everything (mostly).
For a start I suggest @turdiyev to create a list of tech words with agreed translations for better consistency (example from
Hi @umidbekkarimov. Okey. I will try to create tech list.
Home page's all doc files have translated to uzbek. So @umidbekkarimov u can review them.
Assalomu Alaykum, Akalar tarjimaga aktivniy qo'shilishlaringizni so'rab qolaman. Hech bo'lmasa, Hooks bo'limidagi sahifalarni tarjima qilib tashlasak ham zo'r bo'lardi.
Hozirgacha HomePage ni va HooksIntroductionPage larni qilib bo'ldik. QIlib bo'linganlarni yana bir review qilib chiqsangizlar ham xatolar tuzatilarmidi.
@aurshax, @Shoyadbek, @doniyor2109, @jaloliddin-kuldoshev, @rustamwin.
Assalom aleykum man 'Hooks at a Glance' ni osam boladimi?
@jaloliddin-kuldoshev aha olavering
Hey @turdiyev, @umidbekkarimov, @Shoyadbek, how is the translation going? Please let me know if you're having trouble and need help!
Hello @tesseralis. I'm busy nowadays. But I will try to find time for translation.
Actually, I'm troubling to find contributors. I did some instructions for junior contriubtors, but I couldn't prepared them properly I think.
Hello, my fellow contributors. I will also try to translate the Tutorials page in my free time.
Hello @tesseralis. I'm busy nowadays. But I will try to find time for translation.
Actually, I'm troubling to find contributors. I did some instructions for junior contriubtors, but I couldn't prepared them properly I think.
Hello everyone. It's nice to see uzbek community here. I am a junior developer and it will be the first time contribution. which page should I take. And also is there anyone to help me to start??
Hello, my fellow contributors. I will also try to translate the Tutorials page in my free time.
Assalomu alaykum, Alisher aka. Avvalo Rahmat yordam bermoqchiligingiz uchun. Yuqorida checked bo'lmaganlarni ixtiyoriy birini tanlab boshlasa bo'ladi.
Hello @tesseralis. I'm busy nowadays. But I will try to find time for translation. Actually, I'm troubling to find contributors. I did some instructions for junior contriubtors, but I couldn't prepared them properly I think.
Hello everyone. It's nice to see uzbek community here. I am a junior developer and it will be the first time contribution. which page should I take. And also is there anyone to help me to start??
Hey @sharopcha. Yuqoridagilarni ixtiyoriy birini olsangiz bo'ladi. Tarjima qilishni boshlaganizni checked qilib qo'yasiz. Yeah, I'll give you instruction
There is instruction to contribute:
Can you assign me to "Tutorial" page please?
@Alisher778 done
Hey everyone, thank you for starting this ambitious project! Before we dive right into translations would not it be better if we first add some terminology like in these translations: az and ru? That would help out new contributors and unify our terminology dictionary.
Update: Looks like we already have a file set up with main rules and terminology. It would be great if we added a link to that file in the lines above:
Hissa qo'shishdan avval quyidagi, texnik va maxsus-React terminlar lug'ati bilan tanishib chiqing.
Of course, we could always update that file so it's up to date and more clear.
Also, have a first PR with a hotfix Thank you 😊 🙌
@umidbekkarimov thank you for approving my PR! I feel like I could start contributing to the project more. If you guys need some help, I would love to join the maintainer's list. Although we all are busy with work and other things, at least I could help out with some PR reviews. I was recently inspired by @tesseralis presentation at React Conf, where I saw the Uzbek language in the slides :)
Hello @jkhusanov, once again - thanks for your help! There is not much activity here, so it would be great to receive some contribution!
Assalomu aleykum manam bo'sh vaqtda tarjimaga hissa qo'shmoqchi edim Hello worldni tarjima qimoqchiman
Could anyone please assignme to "Using the State Hook"?
@0tabek16 done!
Could anyone have a look at my PR
Now can translate "Using the Effect Hook". Please, assign me :)
@0tabek16 here you go!
Assalomu aleykum hormanglar tezroq tarjima qilsangizlar yahshi bo'lar edi) vaqt bölganda ruschadan uzbekchaga yordam qilishim mumkin lekin gitni yahshi örganganim yöq hali tushunmayabman((
I can start translating "Building Your Own Hooks"
Assalomu alaykum. Men, CDN Links sahifasini tarjima qilmoqchi edim. Shu sahifani menga biriktirib qo'ya olasizlarmi? @umidbekkarimov
@dolimovkhumoyun hello! feel free to create a PR!
Assalomu alaykum, men "Introducing JSX"ni tarjima qilmoqchidim. Telegramdayam gruppa bormi? Tushunmagan savollar bo'lsa, github'dan ko'ra Telegramda tezroq javob olardik
Assalomu alaykum. Tarjima ishlari davom etayabdimi hali ham? Men ham qo'shilmoqchi edim.
@umidbekk Hi can you assign me the "State and Lifecycle" page?
@MRXDeveloper23 Done
@doniyor2109 Hi can you check out PR and now I can translate the "Handling events" page please assign me
Are u still alive here? Almost a month of last merged PR and 12/88 not completed tasks... If the work is still up, I can help to translate any page that is the first priority (:
Salom akalar :) React jamoasi yangi yoʻriqnomani (documentation) e'lon qilishdi... shu yangi yoʻriqnomani qanday tarjima qilsak boʻladi?
It looks like this translation has stalled, and is now very outdated. I'm going to archive this repo, but if someone wants to pick up, please start a new effort.
Maintainer List
For New Translators
Sahifani tarjima qilish uchun:
Hissa qo'shishdan avval quyidagi, texnik va maxsus-React terminlar lug'ati bilan tanishib chiqing.
Agar olgan sahifangizni bundan keyin commit qila olmasligingizni bilib qolsangiz, iltimoz maintainer larni ogohlantirib qo'yishingizni so'raymiz, qaysiki sahifani boshqa birovga tayinlab qo'yishi uchun.
For Maintainers
Birorta ko'ngilli bo'lganda, ushbu issue ga ko'ngillini username i va PR bilan o'zgartirish kiritib qo'ying. Namuna:
Qachonki PR merge qilinganda, o'sha sahifani checkbox i tugatilgan sifatida belgilab qo'ying!
Core Pages
To do before releasing as an "official" translation. Please translate these pages first.
API Reference
These are the navigation links that appears in the sidebar. Possibly wait until the corresponding sections are translated to do these.
Next Steps
These are the next most important translations, ordered by importance:
Everyone is hooked on hooks! People are really excited for these and it would be great for them to be translated.
These are the pages that you get when you click the links in the console (e.g. People tend to search these, so please don't translate the error message itself.
Advanced Guides
Priority: Low
Components in
that have some text in them.Additional Translations
These are not the primary translation targets.