stamen / bluegreenway

Maps and events along SF's Blue Greenway
ISC License
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Create lower-res images #169

Closed ericsoco closed 8 years ago

ericsoco commented 8 years ago

Many of the images in here are too big for web, they load super slow. @alecburch please Photoshop Save For Web them or whatever you like to use for that. And downsample them to a px size appropriate for their display on the site kthx.

Probably easiest to pile them into a Dropbox folder, then I'll bring them into the project.

ericsoco commented 8 years ago

Related: #168

alecburch commented 8 years ago

Everything was sized appropriately accept the defaults for events. I resized them and placed them here. I also created retina friendly versions.

alecburch commented 8 years ago

New new event images here. Going through others now.

alecburch commented 8 years ago

Header images about a third of the previous size.

ericsoco commented 8 years ago

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