stamen / modestmaps-js

Modest Maps javascript port
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More efficient dragging? #105

Closed pixelfreak closed 12 years ago

pixelfreak commented 12 years ago

I noticed that we are applying transformation on every single tile individually. Why can't we apply the transformation on the parent container instead? This is what Google Maps does and it also has an added benefit for markers. I notice in the example with markers, you have to update all the markers location on drag. Putting the transformation on the parent will remove this requirement.


tmcw commented 12 years ago

Yes to one point - handling tiles as one chunk is a great idea and what I'm pointing at in #84. Handling markers, I'm not a big fan of - it prevents you from presenting markers during transforms and adding markers when they come into view. Actually, handling tiles as one unit also makes loading tiles during motions harder, but should be doable. Closing as a dup of #84 - if you have any ideas as far as the beginnings of an implementation, try them out! Contributions welcome.