stamen / modestmaps-js

Modest Maps javascript port
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Tiles show ugly seams #109

Closed shawnbot closed 12 years ago

shawnbot commented 12 years ago

It's most obvious in the extent-selector example. Try dragging the map, and you'll immediately see seams between the tiles. They disappear a moment after you're done dragging.

I assume this has something to do with the CSS transforms?

tmcw commented 12 years ago

Yeah, this is only present in Safari right now. Master has some pretty extreme work on transforms that I'm considering reverting, but at the cost of this temporary breakage in Safari it's basically the final answer to seams while anyscale zooming. (and for higher performance in general)

shawnbot commented 12 years ago

I think it's a showstopper in Safari and should be reverted. Can we save any further extreme work for post-1.0?

tmcw commented 12 years ago

I might revert it and work on it in a tag, but see no reason to push it post-1.0 - this doesn't affect external APIs and may be easily fixable in Safari.

shawnbot commented 12 years ago

I can't think of a better reason to revert than a show-stopping bug in master. One of my colleagues just grabbed the latest and had to hunt down an older version because of the Safari issue: it's just not usable in its current state.

I'm curious, though, because you seem to be using MMJS all over the place and this doesn't seem to be a problem for you. Do you deploy bleeding edge versions, or do you hold them back to a less buggy release?

tmcw commented 12 years ago

Okay - master is reverted, I'll do this work in a branch. Too rocky for general consumption.

tmcw commented 12 years ago

And re: deploying, I deploy tags only, and anything that includes modest maps programmatically is selecting by semver - which means that most are still pulling from 0.x.x and need a new hit. I generally consider master to be stable, and this was basically a mistake - but I/we don't consider master to be stable across versions, so don't curl willy-nilly.

shawnbot commented 12 years ago

Great, thanks Tom. Sorry to be a stickler about it; I just really want people to be able to grab master and trust that it's going to be solid. But yeah, grabbing tags is definitely a good idea.