stamen / modestmaps-js

Modest Maps javascript port
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make a pluggable renderer or wrapper to draw tiles into a <canvas> #13

Closed RandomEtc closed 12 years ago

RandomEtc commented 13 years ago

DOM rendering should always be the default but canvas rendering is useful for pixel manipulation and shouldn't require a fork of the library.

tmcw commented 12 years ago

I don't think that this should be in Milestone - that it should be pushed to a 1.0.1. Unless you think that writing such a renderer will inspire breaking changes to the Layer API?

RandomEtc commented 12 years ago

I'm OK pushing this off, so long as we remove the TilePainting stuff and getTile/releaseTile stuff from Layer, which IMO is half-baked without a demo to show it off. I think @shawnbot might have added or be about to add some proof of concept uses of these functions though, so it might be a moot point.

tmcw commented 12 years ago

Consolidating with #81, which is being tested with Kothic for this API.