stamen / modestmaps-js

Modest Maps javascript port
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Geo code or search by location in modest map #132

Closed jaganpon closed 12 years ago

jaganpon commented 12 years ago

Hi guys , i tried working in Modestmap i find difficulties in search of place without log and lat, for every place i have to give log and lat.. Can you please help me out which method to use to search a location without using longitude and lattitude.. if you have any example for this please share... Thanks Jagan

ansis commented 12 years ago

This is fairly easy to do with something like Nominatim. MapQuest also provides a version of the API, without the usage limits, here.

A quick example:

jaganpon commented 12 years ago

Hi aibram, thanks for info but i m searching something for flash type api... would u suggest something for that ???

shawnbot commented 12 years ago

ModestMaps doesn't do geocoding or reverse geocoding in either Flash or JavaScript, but there are plenty of other services that will do it for you. Nominatim, mentioned above, is good; Yahoo PlaceFinder is also really good, and offers an XML interface if you're using Flash. Both services provide examples in their documentation.

There's a simple JavaScript interface for the PlaceFinder API the source as well, which depends on reqwest but can be easily adapted to use jQuery. (Just remember to substitute your own API key if you decide to use it!)