stamen / modestmaps-js

Modest Maps javascript port
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Tiles disappear when max is hit on very large displays #138

Closed feesta closed 12 years ago

feesta commented 12 years ago

Tiles disappear as new tiles load once the max number of tiles is reached. A way to test this is to make the browser window fullscreen and press CMD-minus to shrink the size of the content until tiles are about 64x64. Tiles load from the center of the screen and begin disappear as too many tiles load. This is somewhat of an edge case, but I run up against it regularly when examining tilesets.


tmcw commented 12 years ago

This shouldn't occur at all post-nocache. That page is on v1.0.0, all versions >= v1.0.2 should behave better.

feesta commented 12 years ago

Thanks, Tom! I switched to a newer version and it works as it should.