stamen / modestmaps-js

Modest Maps javascript port
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Write tests #27

Closed tmcw closed 13 years ago

tmcw commented 13 years ago

Untethering some parts of Modest Maps from the DOM (#23) would make it easier to unit test or integration tests parts of Modest Maps. Unclear what testing frameworks would be involved - I can do a bit of research in that area, and see if there's something that'll work both in node and on the web.

RandomEtc commented 13 years ago

There are basic tests of the mathy bits in the python code from which Modest Maps JS was ported - we should use those (though the exact number results will vary slightly).

I've used for node.js testing before and found it pretty good. It doesn't do browser side stuff though.

On 5 May 2011 16:48, tmcw wrote:

Untethering some parts of Modest Maps from the DOM (#23) would make it easier to unit test or integration tests parts of Modest Maps. Unclear what testing frameworks would be involved - I can do a bit of research in that area, and see if there's something that'll work both in node and on the web.

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tmcw commented 13 years ago

Cool. I've ported the relevant tests from modestmaps-py to the tests branch - the only catch is that this work was dependent on writing a little stub to add nodejs module exports, and I didn't commit this since it's a separate issue and will probably die in a merge with that. I'll work on a quick branch with just that work so that it can get in.