stamen / modestmaps-js

Modest Maps javascript port
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Remove 640x480 auto-sizing default #59

Closed tmcw closed 12 years ago

tmcw commented 12 years ago

The default sizing of Modest Maps is proving to be more trouble than it's worth. Mainly because maps that are sized with CSS but in display:none containers on load will acquire a fixed width that can't change when window.onresize fires. In display: none, offsetWidth and Height are both 0, so trigger the default. I don't think that the Google Maps API does such a default, and it makes the sizing API more complex in a way that I don't think is very worthwhile.

I'll pull together a branch that simply removes this default.

RandomEtc commented 12 years ago

Understood that the current situation is tricky/annoying. I see how using 0x0 is more correct than making up another set of numbers. But assuming the idea is to set up a map on a hidden element and then reveal it, how do you get the correct dimensions when the element is shown? I assume window.resize doesn't fire in that case.

tmcw commented 12 years ago

In this case, because the element's in an iframe - clearly a minority. (so, yes, window.onresize fires in the transition) In other cases I'm thinking that one might be able to spy on the DOM, or even expose a function to do what this does when the map is first initialized - possibly just a version of 'setSize' without arguments.

And, my main point here isn't that 0x0 is more correct - it's that setting absolute sizes on elements can lead to corner-cases which are very hard to recover from, because you need to-reset and re-flow the map to figure out what its size should be when page layout changes.

RandomEtc commented 12 years ago

Closing so we can focus discussion in #60.