stamen / panorama-template

Template / boilerplate for using stamen/panorama components, in a tasty React/Redux/React-Router shell
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Should React Router be enabled by default? #2

Open clhenrick opened 8 years ago

clhenrick commented 8 years ago

It's not necessary for single page apps like Best School Day. But perhaps it could be useful for managing the application state and URL hash?

In BestSchoolDay @sconnelley used separate methods to grab state from the URL and then pass it into the app on init:

ericsoco commented 8 years ago

I thought react-router would be useful for any application that maintains state in the URL, whether in the path or the hash (or both). That's why I baked it into the template. If it seems like overkill, and there's a simple(r) solution to maintaining state in the hash and keeping it in sync with the Redux store, I'd like to hear about it.

(How did you + @sconnelley keep the store and hash in sync in BestSchoolDay?)