stamen / terrain-classic

World-wide CartoCSS port of Stamen's classic terrain style
ISC License
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Altitude of the Matterhorn is 4478m (!) #101

Open almccon opened 7 years ago

almccon commented 7 years ago

Via: @codebastler Dear cartographers, I have just linked your terrain layer in an open layers web map and recognized that the altitude of the Matterhorn (Switzerland) is not correct: Altitude in your map: 3883m Altitude in Swiss maps: 4478m Nevertheless I like your map products, especially the watercolor layer! Best regards from Switzerland Stephan Wondrak Cartographer stamen_terrain_layer

almccon commented 7 years ago

The source of that number is in the ne_10m_geography_regions_elevation_points file in Natural Earth. We need to fix the bug there first. Tracking that issue in