stamen / terrain-classic

World-wide CartoCSS port of Stamen's classic terrain style
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Terrain Generalization #85

Open clhenrick opened 7 years ago

clhenrick commented 7 years ago

We should experiment with generalizing the terrain using the DEM downsampling suggestions based on Tom Patterson's [Web Shaded Relief]() blog. Here is the DEM downsampling he recommends:

web shaded relief dem down sampling can resample DEMs to slightly coarser resolutions to produce more generalized shaded reliefs. This is especially useful at intermediate scales (zoom levels 5-13) that tend to look too noisy. The chart above offers suggested resampling amounts for these zoom levels.

We can also experiment with compositing a "slope shade" on top of the hill shade.

Relates to #74

almccon commented 7 years ago

I think here's an example of what we lost when we removed the slope shade. A user sent in this example of some terrain features that seem to have disappeared in the new version:


To my eye, I see two major differences. First, in the square area we see a plateau, and in the new hillshade you can't see the southwest edge of the plateau, but in the old hillshade you see it fairly strongly. Second, in the banana-shaped area, there is a long, deep valley that trends exactly NW-SE, which is quite visible in the old hillshade, but seems to disappear in the new version.

These are both cases where a terrain feature is lined up perfectly with the direction of the illumination (from the upper left), which causes the hillshade process to throw no shadow at all. But when a slope shade is also included, these inconvenient features at least have some type of definition, so you can still see that they exist.

Thoughts? Am I interpreting these images (and the process) correctly?

clhenrick commented 7 years ago

I'm thinking that the difference between the two is probably a combination of:

It's too bad that we didn't have enough time to experiment more with this part of the process before the v1 launch. I think it's definitely worth attempting to generate an alternative hillshade that's closer to the original stamen terrain tiles.

clhenrick commented 7 years ago

In a more positive light, it's worth noting that there aren't any visible tile seams in the new hillshade which are visible in the old sample above.