stamen / toner-carto

CartoCSS port of Toner
ISC License
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Error running 'make db/%place%' #41

Open brendanbikes opened 8 years ago

brendanbikes commented 8 years ago

I receive the following error when trying to run 'make db' on any specific place, e.g. Seattle, Cleveland, as well as on the whole earth via 'shared'. This is after Makefile successfully read and imported OSM data.

~/Documents/MapBox/toner-carto$ make db/cle
unzip -ju data/osmdata/ -d $(dirname shp/osmdata/land_polygons.shp)
Archive:  data/osmdata/
shapeindex shp/osmdata/land_polygons.shp
make: *** [shp/osmdata/land_polygons.index] Segmentation fault: 11

My end-goal is setting up an osm database on a server in our network for mapping from workstations via TileMill. I already have one set up with osm data imported via osm2pgsql and configured for use with the old, deprecated Toner repo, but wanted to migrate to the new Toner, which apparently builds differently.

Is it not possible to 'make' a toner-carto project against an existing OSM database, with data imported via osm2pgsql? This would save much time, avoiding reimporting the whole earth via imposm3 instead of using the existing osm2pgsql import.

mojodna commented 8 years ago

It looks like shapeindex segfaulting is the ultimate source of the error. Try running that independently of the build process to see if it works. It's possible that you'll need to reinstall the Mapnik command-line tools.

Alas, we made too many schema changes in the process of porting the style to CartoCSS to make using an osm2pgsql import feasible. (However, if you have an hstore-enabled import with all tags in the tags table, the generalizations might be able to be adapted.)

(We also knew that we wanted to refresh the data and weren't previously using an updatable OSM import, so that drove some of the backward-compatibility decisions.)