stamen / toner-carto

CartoCSS port of Toner
ISC License
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Country misspellings and omissions #5

Open almccon opened 10 years ago

almccon commented 10 years ago

Why aren't these coming from Natural Earth?

To add:

I'm not going to touch Somaliland. I'm not sure why it's included. Looks like we label it because the lines are in Natural Earth.

almccon commented 10 years ago

Adding those other three would be a bit harder. It's no fun manually editing these dymo-generated shapefiles. Leaving this for now.

almccon commented 10 years ago

Another one to fix:

almccon commented 3 years ago

Also Burkino Faso #75

And looks like Cameroon's abbreviation is actually "Camrn." which isn't bad, but on Toner it looks like "Camm." Going to change it just to Cam.

Also changing North Macedonia in this file #83. And fixing Falkland Islands #19, but I don't know if that will apply to all zoom levels.

Weirdly, I'm editing the shapefile from the toner repo and I see some of these changes have been made, but not all of them. Making all those changes now.

almccon commented 3 years ago

Also fixing Vanuatu which is tracked in the repo: