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OOP is better with stamps: Composable object factories.
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Need some guidance #331

Closed pendenaor closed 6 years ago

pendenaor commented 6 years ago

Post from has not received any answers, so i XPOST here. Please be mercyful 😄

I'm implementing service between a view and a Rest API.

Beside, i'm completly new to stamp programming and i'm in search of some advices about this sort of code:

import {compose, methods} from '@stamp/it'
import ArgOverProp from '@stamp/arg-over-prop'
import {template} from 'lodash'

const createLogger = name => (...args) => console.log('['+ name + ']', ...args)

const HasHttpClient = ArgOverProp.argOverProp('httpClient')
const HasApiVersion = ArgOverProp.argOverProp('apiVersion')
const HasUrl = ArgOverProp.argOverProp('url')

const UseRestApi = compose(HasHttpClient, HasApiVersion, HasUrl).init([
  function () {
    this.getUrl = template(this.url)
    this.useRestApiLog = createLogger('UseRestApi')
  query: function query(method, {params, headers, body}) {
    const {apiVersion} = this
    const q = {
      baseURL: this.getUrl({apiVersion}),
      ...params != null && {params},
      ...headers != null && {headers},
      ...body != null && {body}
    this.useRestApiLog('request config:', q)
    return q

const WithGetOperation = compose(UseRestApi).init([
  function () {
    this.withGetOperationLog = createLogger('WithGetOperation')
  'get': function get ({params}) {
    const q = this.query('get', {headers: {'Accept': 'application/json'}, params})
    this.withGetOperationLog('getting data')
    return this.httpClient(q)

const CustomerRestApi = compose(WithGetOperation).init([
  function () {
    this.customerRestApiLog = createLogger('CustomerRestApi')
  all: function all() {
    this.customerRestApiLog('get all customers')
    return this.get({params: {page: 1, limit: 15}})

const customerProvider = CustomerRestApi({
  url: '<%=apiVersion%>/customers',
  apiVersion: 'v1',
  httpClient: function(config) {
    return Promise.resolve({
      status: 200,

const appLog = createLogger('APP')

  .then(r => appLog('HTTP response code:', r.status))

Am i in the right directions?

Especially, the createLogger thing seems ugly!

How to inject a prefixed logger into each stamp ? How to extend that to warn, error, ... methods ?

koresar commented 6 years ago


Your logger looks just fine. 👍 It is not necessary to create every bit as a stamp. However, if you want to make the logger as a reusable stamp then you can do the same way as ArgOverProp is implemented.

Ruffly ArgOverProp is done this way:

const ArgOverProp = stampit.statics({
  argOverProp(...args) {
    return this.deepConf({ArgOverProp: [...args]});
.init(function (options, {stamp}) {
  const {ArgOverProp} = stamp.compose.deepConfiguration;
  for (let assignableArgName of ArgOverProp) {
    this[assignableArgName] = options[assignableArgName];

Your logger could look like this (not necessary exactly like this):

import {argOverProp} from '@stamp/arg-over-prop';

const Logger = stampit(
    methods: {
      log(...args){ console.log(this.prefix, ...args); },
      error(...args){ console.error(this.prefix, ...args); },
      warn(...args){ console.warn(this.prefix, ...args); }

const HasLogger = stampit.statics({
  hasLogger(name) {
    return this.conf({HasLogger: {name}});
.init(_, {stamp}) {
  const {HasLogger} = stamp.compose.configuration;
  if (HasLogger) {
    this.logger = Logger({prefix:});

And usage:

const CustomerRestApi = stampit(
    methods: {
      all() {
        this.logger.log('get all customers');
        return this.get({params: {page: 1, limit: 15}});

I always prefer readability. So, the code above, I hope, is readable to you and any stampit newbie. (Sorry for semicolons.)

PS: a tip. The stampit and the stampit.compose you imported above are the same exact function. :) See source code.

pendenaor commented 6 years ago

Nice design, thanks for sharing some stampit enlightment!

pendenaor commented 6 years ago

Sorry for re-opening this issue, are we agree that the HasLogger stamp cannot be composed with several stamps with their own prefixed log?

Below a sample to show what i mean :

import stampit from '@stamp/it';
import {argOverProp} from '@stamp/arg-over-prop';

const Logger = stampit(argOverProp('prefix'), {
    methods: {
      log(...args){ console.log(this.prefix, ...args); },
      error(...args){ console.error(this.prefix, ...args); },
      warn(...args){ console.warn(this.prefix, ...args); }

const HasLogger = stampit.statics({
  hasLogger(name) {
    return this.conf({HasLogger: {name}});
.init(function (_, {stamp}) {
  const {HasLogger} = stamp.compose.configuration;
  if (HasLogger) {
    this.logger = Logger({prefix:});

const Stamp1 = stampit(HasLogger.hasLogger('Stamp1'), {
  methods: {
    fn1: function fn1(...args) {

const Stamp2 = stampit(Stamp1, HasLogger.hasLogger('Stamp2'), {
  methods: {
    fn2: function fn1(...args) {

const Stamp3 = stampit(Stamp2, HasLogger.hasLogger('Stamp3'), {
  methods: {
    fn3: function fn1(...args) {

const s3 = Stamp3();
// Results
// Stamp3 fn3
// Stamp3 fn2 => Should be Stamp2 fn2
// Stamp3 fn1 => Should be Stamp1 fn1

Can i correct this behavior within HasLogger?

koresar commented 6 years ago

Sorry for the late reply. Vacation ongoing.

I'll rewrite your code using classes:

class HasLogger {
  constructor({ prefix }) {
    this.logger = Logger({ prefix });

class Stamp1 extends Logger {
  static prefix = 'Stamp1'
  constructor({ prefix }) {
    super({ prefix: prefix || Stamp1.prefix });

class Stamp2 extends Stamp1 {
  static prefix = 'Stamp2'
  constructor({ prefix }) {
    super({ prefix: prefix || Stamp2.prefix });

class Stamp3 extends Stamp2 {
  static prefix = 'Stamp3'
  constructor({ prefix }) {
    super({ prefix: prefix || Stamp3.prefix });

const s3 = new Stamp3();

See code comment above.

You have the single object instance (s3) and want the this.logger to reference three different things (three loggers).

You better create a logger per each stamp. Something like that:

const Stamp1 = stampit({
  init() {
    this.loggerStamp1 = Logger({prefix: 'Stamp1'});
  methods: {
    fn1(...args) {

Also, run this with you code: console.log(Stamp3.compose). It will print the metadata for the s3 object instance,

pendenaor commented 6 years ago

Ok, make me feel a little stupid 🙄 Thanks for your time.