Describe the bug
Models with #include fail at run-time when project has spaces in path. I previously didn't encounter this behaviour with the same code, so I believe it is new but I'm unsure which versions of cmdstan/cmdstanr I last had it working fine with.
To Reproduce
if(getwd() %>% str_detect(' ')){
stop("Please run this code from a working directory with no spaces in it's path")
# write an include file
include_file_path = fs::path('stan','includes','data',ext='stan')
include_file_path %>% fs::path_dir() %>% fs::dir_create()
file = include_file_path
, x = 'data{ int n; vector[n] x ; }'
# write model using said include
mod_file_path = fs::path('stan','mod',ext='stan')
#include includes/data.stan
real mu ;
real<lower=0> sigma ;
mu ~ std_normal() ;
sigma ~ weibull(2,1) ;
x ~ normal(mu,sigma) ;
" %>% write_lines(
file = mod_file_path
, x = .
mod = cmdstan_model(mod_file_path)
data = lst(n=10,x=rnorm(n))
#samples fine
#now copy everything to a subdir with a space in the path:
fs::dir_copy('stan','path with spaces/stan')
setwd('path with spaces') #important!
mod = cmdstan_model(mod_file_path,force_recompile=T)
data = lst(n=10,x=rnorm(n))
#fails with error.
Error encountered:
Error in `(function (command = NULL, args = character(), error_on_status = TRUE, …`:
! System command 'stanc' failed
Exit status: 1
Stderr (last 10 lines, see `$stderr` for more):
2: #include includes/data.stan
3: parameters{
4: real mu ;
Could not find include file 'includes/data.stan' in specified include paths.
Describe the bug Models with #include fail at run-time when project has spaces in path. I previously didn't encounter this behaviour with the same code, so I believe it is new but I'm unsure which versions of cmdstan/cmdstanr I last had it working fine with.
To Reproduce
Error encountered:
Operating system Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
CmdStan version number 2.32.2
CmdStanR version number 0.6.0