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Example models for Stan
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Subtle error in some capture-recapture likelihoods #204

Closed mbjoseph closed 3 years ago

mbjoseph commented 3 years ago

There are some subtle errors in the likelihoods of some capture-recapture models (Chapter 6 of the Bayesian Population Analysis translations). I noticed the errors as a side effect of digging into a separate issues on the Stan Forums:

Here's an overview of the model that should help clarify what the problem is:

State model

These models are two-component finite mixture models, where the components correspond to a partly observed binary latent variable z[i] for individuals i=1, ..., N. The two components are:

This latent quantity is modeled as a Bernoulli: z[i] ~ Bernoulli(omega).

Observation model

There are T sampling occasions, and on each sampling occasion an individual is either detected or not. The observation model is y[i, t] ~ Bernoulli(p * z[i]) for t=1, ..., T, or summing the number of detections to use a binomial instead, y[i] ~ Binomial(T, p * z[i]).

Stan implementation

Marginalizing over the discrete state z leads to the following integrated observation model:

Essentially, when an individual is observed, we know z[i] = 1, and otherwise we have to sum over z[i] = 0 and z[i] = 1 in the likelihood.

The issue

For some of these capture-recapture models, there's an error in the likelihood associated with the case when an individual is in the population but not detected (z[i] = 1, and max(y[i, 1:T]) = 0).

The observation model conditional on z[i]=1 should be binomial_lpmf(0 | T, p), or equivalently bernoulli_lpmf(y[i] | p), where y[i] is an integer array of 0's of length T. The following models have a subtle error in that they incorrectly use bernoulli_lpmf(0 | p) instead:

For an example of a model with the correct likelihood, see M0:

mbjoseph commented 3 years ago

Oops - I meant to tag @ito4303, who put together the original translations. Does this sound right to you @ito4303?

ito4303 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your comment. I have understood the issue and appreciate your fix.

bbbales2 commented 3 years ago

Closed by #205