stan-dev / httpstan

HTTP interface to Stan, a package for Bayesian inference.
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Add a "clean" rule for Makefile #646

Closed tncowart closed 9 months ago

tncowart commented 9 months ago

A "clean" rule will make fully resetting the state of a repository post- build easier.

riddell-stan commented 9 months ago

Since all development happens in git, I think git clean makes this rule unnecessary.

tncowart commented 9 months ago

What about people who download the tarball to build from source?

tncowart commented 9 months ago

In particular, from the installation documents: Download the source code associated with a release from Extract the contents of the zip or tar.gz release bundle. So not everyone using the source code will have the code set up in a git repository.

Also, people might be developing and may not want to delete all untracked files. If, for instance they have new files they've created.