stan-dev / posteriordb

Database with posteriors of interest for Bayesian inference
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install instructions for R package #235

Closed jsocolar closed 2 years ago

jsocolar commented 3 years ago

Currently the rpackage/README.rmd has

remotes::install_github("MansMeg/posteriordb", subdir = "rpackage/")

This fails for me (R 4.0.2 on Mojave and 4.0.5 on Big Sur) in a sort of weird way. If I do not have a previous installation of posteriordb, then this errors with

Error: Failed to install 'unknown package' from GitHub:
  HTTP error 404.
  Not Found

  Did you spell the repo owner (`MansMeg`) and repo name (`posteriordb`) correctly?
  - If spelling is correct, check that you have the required permissions to access the repo.

If I delete the trailing slash on rpackage/, then it installs fine. Confusingly, if I then add the trailing slash back and do

remotes::install_github("MansMeg/posteriordb", subdir = "rpackage/", force = TRUE)

everything works. So it seems the slash is a problem, but only if I lack a previous install. No idea what that's about.

Suggested fix is deleting the slash.

Additionally, I presume it would be appropriate to change MansMeg/posteriordb to stan-dev/posteriordb?

MansMeg commented 3 years ago

Thanks! Ill fix! We will probably need to move the posteriordb package.

jsocolar commented 3 years ago

I can install from stan-dev right now, and it seems to work?

MansMeg commented 3 years ago

Yes. It should work.

MansMeg commented 2 years ago

Now this should been fixed! Thanks!