stan-dev / projpred

Projection predictive variable selection
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For a stan_glm model cv_varsel with loo works, but kfold gives an error #460

Closed avehtari closed 9 months ago

avehtari commented 9 months ago

Using projpred_2.7.0 and running the case study works with

fitg_cv <- cv_varsel(fitg, method='forward', cv_method='loo')

but with

fitg_cv <- cv_varsel(fitg, method='forward', cv_method='kfold')

there is an error

Fitting model 1 out of 5
Error in as.character(x) : 
  cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'character'
fweber144 commented 9 months ago

Thanks, I'll take a look at this

fweber144 commented 9 months ago

This seems to be an rstanarm issue: Line throws the error for k = 1. I'll try to figure out what exactly is going wrong in rstanarm.

fweber144 commented 9 months ago

Ok, I think I found the cause for this issue: The case study's rstanarm::stan_glm() call creating the fitg object uses an object called formula as input for argument formula (see lines This causes rstanarm (at least in version 2.26.1 which I am using; this has probably changed compared to the rstanarm version you were using when you wrote the original case study) to use formula as a symbol (essentially an unevaluated R expression consisting of an object name) for the model's formula when refitting the model K times within rstanarm:::kfold.stanreg(). Since there is the stats::formula() function (the closure mentioned in the error message), the formula symbol used internally by rstanarm seems to refer to stats::formula(), not the formula object you are using for the original rstanarm::stan_glm() call. So a solution would be to rename object formula created in line to something other than formula (e.g., formula_object) and to use that new name in lines and

Btw, I also had to prepend ggplot2:: to theme_set() in line; otherwise, theme_set() couldn't be found.

avehtari commented 9 months ago
