stan-dev / pystan2

PyStan, the Python interface to Stan
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Undefined symbol: CVodeGetSense when loading stan model #348

Closed MichaelClerx closed 6 years ago

MichaelClerx commented 7 years ago


Undefined symbol: CVodeGetSense when loading stan model


Trying to run a stan script that solves an ODE results in the error Undefined symbol: CVodeGetSense I do have CVODE (and CVODES) installed in the default locations (via the package manager) as I use them a lot for other tasks.

Reproducible Steps:

Run the example below:

import pystan
  int find_interval_elem(real x, vector sorted, int start_ind){
    int res;
    int N;
    int max_iter;
    real left;
    real right;
    int left_ind;
    int right_ind;
    int iter;

    N = num_elements(sorted);

    if(N == 0) return(0);

    left_ind  = start_ind;
    right_ind = N;

    max_iter = 100 * N;
    left  = sorted[left_ind ] - x;
    right = sorted[right_ind] - x;

    if(0 <= left)  return(left_ind-1);
    if(0 == right) return(N-1);
    if(0 >  right) return(N);

    iter = 1;
    while((right_ind - left_ind) > 1  && iter != max_iter) {
      int mid_ind;
      real mid;
      // is there a controlled way without being yelled at with a
      // warning?
      mid_ind = (left_ind + right_ind) / 2;
      mid = sorted[mid_ind] - x;
      if (mid == 0) return(mid_ind-1);
      if (left  * mid < 0) { right = mid; right_ind = mid_ind; }
      if (right * mid < 0) { left  = mid; left_ind  = mid_ind; }
      iter = iter + 1;
    if(iter == max_iter)
      print("Maximum number of iterations reached.");

  real[] deriv_aslanidi(real t, real[] I, real[] theta, real[] x_r, int[] x_i){

    int aLen = x_i[1];
    vector[aLen] ts = to_vector(x_r[1:aLen]);
    vector[aLen] V = to_vector(x_r[(aLen+1):(2*aLen)]);
    int aT = find_interval_elem(t, ts, 1);
    real aV = (aT==0) ? V[1] : V[aT];

    real xtau = theta[1] / (1 + exp(aV/ theta[2])) + theta[3];
    real xinf = 1 / (1 + exp(-(aV + theta[4]) / theta[5]));
    real rinf = 1 / (1 + exp((aV + theta[6]) / theta[7]));
    real dydt[1];
    dydt[1] = (xinf - I[1]) / xtau;
    return dydt;

  vector solve_aslanidi_forced_ode(real[] ts, real X0, real[] theta, real[] V, real t0){
    int x_i[1];
    real I[size(V),1];
    x_i[1] = size(V);

    I = integrate_ode_bdf(deriv_aslanidi, rep_array(X0, 1), t0, ts, theta, to_array_1d(append_row(to_vector(ts), to_vector(V))), x_i);

  int N;
  real V[N];
  real I[N];
  real ts[N];
  real t0;

transformed data {
  int x_i[0];

  real<lower=0> p1;     // ms
  real<lower=0> p2;     // mV
  real<lower=0> p3;     // ms
  real<lower=0> p4;     // mV
  real<lower=0> p5;     // mV
  real p6;              // mV
  real<lower=0> p7;     // mV
  real<lower=0,upper=1> X0;
  real<lower=0> sigma;

transformed parameters{
  real theta[7];
  theta[1] = p1;
  theta[2] = p2;
  theta[3] = p3;
  theta[4] = p4;
  theta[5] = p5;
  theta[6] = p6;
  theta[7] = p7;

  // solve ODE using stiff solver
  vector[N] I_int;
  I_int = solve_aslanidi_forced_ode(ts, X0, theta, V,-0.1);

  // likelihood
  for(i in 1:N){
    I[i] ~ normal(I_int[i],sigma);

  p1 ~ normal(900,500);
  p2 ~ normal(5,1);
  p3 ~ normal(100,10);
  p4 ~ normal(0.1,0.02);
  p5 ~ normal(12.25,3);
  p6 ~ normal(-5.6,1);
  p7 ~ normal(20.4,3);
  sigma ~ normal(1,0.1);

Current Output:

Warning: integer division implicitly rounds to integer. Found int 
division: (left_ind + right_ind) / 2
 Positive values rounded down, negative values rounded up or down in 
platform-dependent way.

anon_model_1fa832c96e6626b51b8fe84054221a51 NOW.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 23, in <module>
    model = pystan.StanModel('aslanidi-2009.stan')
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/pystan/", line 317, 
in __init__
    self.module = load_module(self.module_name, lib_dir)
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/pystan/", line 54, 
in load_module
    return imp.load_module(module_name, *module_info)
undefined symbol: CVodeGetSens

Expected Output:

ODE simulation

PyStan Version:

Python Version:


Operating System:

Fedora 25 (linux)

bob-carpenter commented 7 years ago

Thanks for filing the issue. I have no idea about that --- I usually fail on Python installs due to just this kind of dependency.

As to integer division throwing a warning, what do you suggest we do in the parser given that we want to warn people that this isn't going to work like R or BUGS or JAGS. The longer-term plan is to have varying levels of lint/warnings and to allow user control with comment-based no-lint declarations. But we're not there yet.

ariddell commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the report. Getting CVODES working with PyStan is taking some time. You can follow progress here: #293

MichaelClerx commented 7 years ago

I can confirm that the issue is fixed in the feature/cvodes-support branch used in #293