Closed bob-carpenter closed 9 years ago
duplicate of
Otherwise, we need code to replicate the error.
This appears to be the same issue. But the workaround using "showAllConnections()" seemed to cause other problems. Below I will show first - the part of the script that induces the error, and second - the error messages am getting. I use Stan 2.8 and R 3.2. If necessary I can send the data and the entire script.
++++ Part of script that triggers the error library(doParallel) cl <- makeCluster(4) registerDoParallel(cl) rho.mcmc=foreach (k=1:num.mcmc,.combine=rbind) %dopar%{ library(rstan) data.for.stan=list(logprem1 = log(premium1[1:10]), logprem2 = log(premium2[1:10]), X = X, rhomax = rhomax, w = rdata1$w, d = rdata1$d, alpha1 = alpha1[k,], alpha2 = alpha2[k,], beta1 = beta1[k,], beta2 = beta2[k,], logelr1 = logelr1[k], logelr2 = logelr2[k], gamma1 = gamma1[k], gamma2 = gamma2[k], delta1 = delta1[k], delta2 = delta2[k], sig_1 = sig_1[k,], sig_2 = sig_2[k,]) fit1 = stan(fit=fit0,data=data.for.stan,chains=1,iter=100, seed=12345,init=initB,verbose=F) #
# rho=extract(fit1,"rho")$rho[50] #
closeAllConnections() }
++++ error messages
Loading required package: Rcpp
Loading required package: ggplot2
rstan (Version 2.8.0, packaged: 2015-09-19 14:48:38 UTC, GitRev: 05c3d0058b6a)
For execution on a local, multicore CPU with excess RAM we recommend calling
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())
Loading required package: foreach
foreach: simple, scalable parallel programming from Revolution Analytics
Use Revolution R for scalability, fault tolerance and more.
Loading required package: iterators
the number of chains is less than 1; sampling not done
[1] "Maximum Rhat = 1.0038 Mean lp = 61.86 Thin = 1"
[1] "Maximum Rhat = 1.0039 Mean lp = 99.97 Thin = 1"
the number of chains is less than 1; sampling not done
Error in unserialize(socklist[[n]]) : error reading from connection
Error in summary.connection(connection) : invalid connection
showConnections() description class mode text isopen can read can write 3 "<-localhost:11663" "sockconn" "a+b" "binary" "opened" "yes" "yes"
4 "<-localhost:11663" "sockconn" "a+b" "binary" "opened" "yes" "yes"
5 "<-localhost:11663" "sockconn" "a+b" "binary" "opened" "yes" "yes"
6 "<-localhost:11663" "sockconn" "a+b" "binary" "opened" "yes" "yes"
The closeAllConnections command is also deleting the connections used to communicate with the parallel execution processes. The solution is to collect only rstan's stray connections and close them explicitly. Is there something special about your setup that generates this error or could you produce a self contained example that exhibits this?
Before sending the entire code and data files, is there some way to identify the “stray connections?"
On Oct 30, 2015, at 10:12 AM, Krzysztof Sakrejda wrote:
The closeAllConnections command is also deleting the connections used to communicate with the parallel execution processes. The solution is to collect only rstan's stray connections and close them explicitly. Is there something special about your setup that generates this error or could you produce a self contained example that exhibits this?
— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
I think calling showConnections() returns a table that should have enough info to differentiate which ones are from Stan.
Here is what I get after the the program has bombed. Which ones are from stan?
showConnections() description class mode text isopen can read can write 3 "<-localhost:11663" "sockconn" "a+b" "binary" "opened" "yes" "yes"
4 "<-localhost:11663" "sockconn" "a+b" "binary" "opened" "yes" "yes"
5 "<-localhost:11663" "sockconn" "a+b" "binary" "opened" "yes" "yes"
6 "<-localhost:11663" "sockconn" "a+b" "binary" "opened" "yes" "yes"
On Oct 30, 2015, at 10:34 AM, Krzysztof Sakrejda wrote:
I think calling showConnections() returns a table that should have enough info to differentiate which ones are from Stan.
— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
Good question, is that the output of showCommections() for the script bombing with closeAllConnections() or without? It looks like you did closeAllConnections() within the foreach loop so it won't show rstan's connections.. (?) If that's the case try showConnections after the script bombs without closeAllConnections()
Here what I got after running the loop with only 4 iterations and the program ended normally.
showConnections() description class mode text isopen can read can write
On Oct 30, 2015, at 10:53 AM, Krzysztof Sakrejda wrote:
Good question, is that the output of showCommections() for the script bombing with closeAllConnections() or without? It looks like you did closeAllConnections() within the foreach loop so it won't show rstan's connections.. (?) If that's the case try showConnections after the script bombs without closeAllConnections()
— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
The below was sent prematurely. I wanted also to include what happen without the closeAllConnections() and the program bombed with 10000 iterations.
So what was created by stan?
Also, If I know, how do I close it. In looking at the R help I get
close(con, ...)
close(con, type = "rw", ...) What is con, or more precisely how do I refer to the connection I want to close.
Error in { : task 487 failed - "all connections are in use"
showConnections() description class mode text isopen can read can write 3 "<-localhost:11994" "sockconn" "a+b" "binary" "opened" "yes" "yes"
4 "<-localhost:11994" "sockconn" "a+b" "binary" "opened" "yes" "yes"
5 "<-localhost:11994" "sockconn" "a+b" "binary" "opened" "yes" "yes"
6 "<-localhost:11994" "sockconn" "a+b" "binary" "opened" "yes" "yes"
On Oct 30, 2015, at 11:29 AM, Glenn Meyers wrote:
Here what I got after running the loop with only 4 iterations and the program ended normally.
showConnections() description class mode text isopen can read can write
On Oct 30, 2015, at 10:53 AM, Krzysztof Sakrejda <> wrote:
Good question, is that the output of showCommections() for the script bombing with closeAllConnections() or without? It looks like you did closeAllConnections() within the foreach loop so it won't show rstan's connections.. (?) If that's the case try showConnections after the script bombs without closeAllConnections()
— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
After searching the various help pages in R, I got the fix I needed to get my script to run. What worked was inserting the following into the “foreach” loop.
ncon=dim(showConnections())[1] for (i in 7:ncon){ if(ncon>6){close.connection(getConnection(i))} }
Can I assume that this workaround will not be needed in future release of rstan and/or R?
On Oct 30, 2015, at 10:53 AM, Krzysztof Sakrejda wrote:
Good question, is that the output of showCommections() for the script bombing with closeAllConnections() or without? It looks like you did closeAllConnections() within the foreach loop so it won't show rstan's connections.. (?) If that's the case try showConnections after the script bombs without closeAllConnections()
— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
@GGMeyers, thanks for putting up a functional work-around.
You provided the crucial hint that I had to close only those connections that were open by stan. I had to figure out what a "connection" was and how to identify which ones to close. To others who use this workaround - I had two files and 4 cores connected. Other scripts may have a different number of connections open.
If you install the next rstan from GitHub by executing in R
devtools::install_github("stan-dev/rstan", ref = "develop", subdir = "rstan/rstan")
then you won't need this workaround. You can ignore the fact that it will say at the end
Warning message:
Github repo contains submodules, may not function as expected!
I tried it. The code that I have been running did not generate the connection error. Instead if just ran through the first sections as usual, and then froze when it got to the foreach loop that contained stan. I reinstalled 2.8 and with the workaround, it completed normally in about 6 minutes.
On Oct 31, 2015, at 10:11 AM, bgoodri wrote:
If you install the next rstan from GitHub by executing in R
devtools::install_github("stan-dev/rstan", ref = "develop", subdir = "rstan/rstan") then you won't need this workaround. You can ignore the fact that it will say at the end
Warning message: Github repo contains submodules, may not function as expected! — Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
@GGMeyers please share the code to replicate the error you described.
Below is the code that should replicate the error. With the workaround it completes without error on Stan 2.8.0. I pasted it below as I am unsure what GitHub does with attached files.
Some comments. I commented out the workaround on lines 418-424 I believe the error occurs in the foreach loop that is between lines 390 to 433. The code calls two datasets. There is a link to the datasets on line 13. Or if you want I can send the datasets to you (about 1 mb each).
At a very high level the code first runs Stan on models with each of the two datasets producing samples of size 10000. Then using each of the 10000 samples it runs a one-parameter Stan model that attempts to capture the dependency (or lack thereof) between the first two models.
I notice that the model in 2.8 runs noticeably faster in 2.8 that in did in 2.6.
the code ++++++++++++++++++
rm(list = ls()) # clear workspace") t0=Sys.time() #
# grpcode="620" outfilename=paste("CSR Model2Step",grpcode,".csv") setwd("~/Dropbox/Dependencies in SLR Models") #
# insurer.data1="~/Dropbox/CAS Loss Reserve Database/comauto_pos.csv" insurer.data2="~/Dropbox/CAS Loss Reserve Database/ppauto_pos.csv" library(mvtnorm) library(rstan) rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE) options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores()) library(parallel) library(doParallel) #
#{ b=subset(a,a$GRCODE==g.code) name=b$GRNAME grpcode=b$GRCODE w=b$AccidentYear d=b$DevelopmentLag cum_incloss=b[,6] cum_pdloss=b[,7] bulk_loss=b[,8] dir_premium=b[,9] ced_premium=b[,10] net_premium=b[,11] single=b[,12] posted_reserve97=b[,13]
inc_pdloss=numeric(0) for (i in unique(w)){ s=(w==i) pl=c(0,cum_pdloss[s]) ndev=length(pl)-1 il=rep(0,ndev) for (j in 1:ndev){ il[j]=pl[j+1]-pl[j] } inc_pdloss=c(inc_pdloss,il) } data.out=data.frame(grpcode,w,d,net_premium,dir_premium,ced_premium, cum_pdloss,cum_incloss,bulk_loss,inc_pdloss,single,posted_reserve97) return(data.out) } #
# a=read.csv(insurer.data1) w=cdata$w-1987 d=cdata$d #
# o1=100*d+w o=order(o1) w=w[o] d=d[o] premium=cdata$net_premium[o] cpdloss=cdata$cum_pdloss[o] cpdloss=pmax(cpdloss,1) adata1=data.frame(grpcode,w,d,premium,cpdloss) rdata1=subset(adata1,(adata1$w+adata1$d)<12) numw=length(unique(rdata1$w)) aloss1=adata1$cpdloss rloss1=rdata1$cpdloss premium1=rdata1$premium #
# a=read.csv(insurer.data2) w=cdata$w-1987 d=cdata$d #
# rhomax=0.9 o1=100*d+w o=order(o1) w=w[o] d=d[o] premium=cdata$net_premium[o] cpdloss=cdata$cum_pdloss[o] cpdloss=pmax(cpdloss,1) adata2=data.frame(grpcode,w,d,premium,cpdloss) rdata2=subset(adata2,(adata2$w+adata2$d)<12) aloss2=adata2$cpdloss rloss2=rdata2$cpdloss premium2=rdata2$premium #
# #
scodeU = "
real logprem[10];
real logloss[55];
# initU=function(chain_id){ set.seed(12345+chain_id) list(r_alpha=rnorm(9,0,0.2),r_beta=runif(9),a=runif(10), logelr=runif(1,-0.75,-0.5),gamma=rnorm(1,0,0.1), delta=rnorm(1,0,0.02)) }
# #
# data.u1=list(logprem = log(rdata1$premium[1:10]), logloss = log(rloss1), w = rdata1$w, d = rdata1$d) #
# fitU = stan(model_code=scodeU,data=data.u1,seed=12345,init=initU,chains=0)
# stan_thin=1 stan_iter=5000 Rhat_target=1.05 max_Rhat=2 while ((max_Rhat > Rhat_target)&(stan_thin<65)){ sflist <- mclapply(1:4, mc.cores = 4, function(i) stan(fit = fitU, data = data.u1,init=initU, seed = 12345,iter=stan_iter,thin=stan_thin, chains = 1, chain_id = i, cores=4)) fitU1=sflist2stanfit(sflist) fitU1_summary=as.matrix(summary(fitU1)$summary)[,c(1,3,10)] mrh=subset(fitU1_summary,[,3])==F) max_Rhat=round(max(mrh[,3]),4) mean_lp=round(fitU1_summary[dim(fitU1_summary)[1],1],2) print(paste("Maximum Rhat =",max_Rhat," Mean lp__ =",mean_lp, "Thin =",stan_thin)) stan_thin=2_stan_thin stan_iter=2_stan_iter }
# b1=extract(fitU1,c("alpha","beta","gamma","delta","logelr","sig")) alpha1=b1$alpha beta1=b1$beta gamma1=b1$gamma delta1=b1$delta logelr1=b1$logelr sig_1=b1$sig # # set.seed(12345) cl <- makePSOCKcluster(4) registerDoParallel(cl) at1.wd10=foreach (k=1:length(gamma1),.combine=rbind) %dopar%{ atv=rep(0,10) for (w in 1:10){ atv[w]=rlnorm(1,log(premium1[w])+logelr1[k]+alpha1[k,w],sig_1[k,10]) } at=atv } stopCluster(cl) #
# outcomes1=rowSums(at1.wd10)
# #
# data.u2=list(logprem = log(rdata2$premium[1:10]), logloss = log(rloss2), w = rdata2$w, d = rdata2$d)# #
# stan_thin=1 stan_iter=5000 Rhat_target=1.05 max_Rhat=2 while ((max_Rhat > Rhat_target)&(stan_thin<65)){ sflist <- mclapply(1:4, mc.cores = 4, function(i) stan(fit = fitU, data = data.u2,init=initU, seed = 12345,iter=stan_iter,thin=stan_thin, chains = 1, chain_id = i, cores=4)) fitU2=sflist2stanfit(sflist) fitU2_summary=as.matrix(summary(fitU2)$summary)[,c(1,3,10)] mrh=subset(fitU2_summary,[,3])==F) max_Rhat=round(max(mrh[,3]),4) mean_lp=round(fitU2_summary[dim(fitU2_summary)[1],1],2) print(paste("Maximum Rhat =",max_Rhat," Mean lp__ =",mean_lp, "Thin =",stan_thin)) stan_thin=2_stan_thin stan_iter=2_stan_iter }
# b2=extract(fitU2,c("alpha","beta","gamma","delta","logelr","sig")) alpha2=b2$alpha beta2=b2$beta gamma2=b2$gamma delta2=b2$delta logelr2=b2$logelr sig_2=b2$sig #
# set.seed(12345) cl <- makePSOCKcluster(4) registerDoParallel(cl) at2.wd10=foreach (k=1:length(gamma2),.combine=rbind) %dopar%{ atv=rep(0,10) for (w in 1:10){ atv[w]=rlnorm(1,log(premium2[w])+logelr2[k]+alpha2[k,w],sig_2[k,10]) } at=atv } stopCluster(cl) #
# outcomes2=rowSums(at2.wd10)
data {
# k=1 data.for.stan=list(logprem1 = log(premium1[1:10]), logprem2 = log(premium2[1:10]), X = X, rhomax = rhomax, w = rdata1$w, d = rdata1$d, alpha1 = alpha1[k,], alpha2 = alpha2[k,], beta1 = beta1[k,], beta2 = beta2[k,], logelr1 = logelr1[k], logelr2 = logelr2[k], gamma1 = gamma1[k], gamma2 = gamma2[k], delta1 = delta1[k], delta2 = delta2[k], sig_1 = sig_1[k,], sig_2 = sig_2[k,]) fit0 = stan(model_code=scode,data=data.for.stan,chains=0,seed=12345,init=initB)
num.mcmc=length(b1$gamma) #
# library(doParallel) cl <- makeCluster(4) registerDoParallel(cl) rho.mcmc=foreach (k=1:num.mcmc,.combine=rbind) %dopar%{ library(rstan) data.for.stan=list(logprem1 = log(premium1[1:10]), logprem2 = log(premium2[1:10]), X = X, rhomax = rhomax, w = rdata1$w, d = rdata1$d, alpha1 = alpha1[k,], alpha2 = alpha2[k,], beta1 = beta1[k,], beta2 = beta2[k,], logelr1 = logelr1[k], logelr2 = logelr2[k], gamma1 = gamma1[k], gamma2 = gamma2[k], delta1 = delta1[k], delta2 = delta2[k], sig_1 = sig_1[k,], sig_2 = sig_2[k,]) fit1 = stan(fit=fit0,data=data.for.stan,chains=1,iter=100, seed=12345,init=initB,verbose=F) #
# rho=extract(fit1,"rho")$rho[50] #
} #
# at.wd10=foreach (k=1:num.mcmc,.combine=rbind) %dopar%{ library(mvtnorm) atu1=rep(0,10) atu2=rep(0,10) Mu=rep(0,2) Sigma=matrix(0,2,2) Sigma[1,1]=sig_1[k,10]^2 Sigma[2,1]=rho.mcmc[k]_sig_1[k,10]_sig_2[k,10] Sigma[1,2]=Sigma[2,1] Sigma[2,2]=sig_2[k,10]^2 for (w in 1:10){ Mu=c(log(premium1[w])+logelr1[k]+alpha1[k,w], log(premium2[w])+logelr2[k]+alpha2[k,w]) lloss=rmvnorm(1,Mu,Sigma) atu1[w]=exp(lloss[1]) atu2[w]=exp(lloss[2]) } at=c(atu1,atu2) } stopCluster(cl) # atu1.wd10=at.wd10[,1:10] atu2.wd10=at.wd10[,11:20] #
# Premium1=subset(rdata1,rdata1$d==1)$premium ssu1.wd10=rep(0,10) msu1.wd10=rep(0,10) Premium2=subset(rdata2,rdata2$d==1)$premium ssu2.wd10=rep(0,10) msu2.wd10=rep(0,10) PremiumC=Premium1+Premium2 ssC.wd10=rep(0,10) msC.wd10=rep(0,10) # msu1.wd10[1]=mean(atu1.wd10[,1]) for (w in 2:10){ msu1.wd10[w]=mean(atu1.wd10[,w]) ssu1.wd10[w]=sd(atu1.wd10[,w]) } Pred.CSR1=rowSums(atu1.wd10) msu1.td10=mean(Pred.CSR1) ssu1.td10=sd(Pred.CSR1) CSR1.Estimate=round(msu1.wd10) CSR1.SE=round(ssu1.wd10) CSR1.CV=round(CSR1.SE/CSR1.Estimate,4) act1=sum(subset(aloss1,adata1$d==10)[1:10]) pct.CSR1=sum(Pred.CSR1<=act1)/length(Pred.CSR1)*100 #
# CSR1.Estimate=c(CSR1.Estimate,round(msu1.td10)) CSR1.SE=c(CSR1.SE,round(ssu1.td10)) CSR1.CV=c(CSR1.CV,round(ssu1.td10/msu1.td10,4)) Premium1=c(Premium1,sum(Premium1)) Outcome1=subset(aloss1,adata1$d==10) Outcome1=c(Outcome1,sum(Outcome1)) Group=rep(grpcode,11) CSR1.Pct=c(rep(NA,10),pct.CSR1) # msu2.wd10[1]=mean(atu2.wd10[,1]) for (w in 2:10){ msu2.wd10[w]=mean(atu2.wd10[,w]) ssu2.wd10[w]=sd(atu2.wd10[,w]) } Pred.CSR2=rowSums(atu2.wd10) msu2.td10=mean(Pred.CSR2) ssu2.td10=sd(Pred.CSR2) CSR2.Estimate=round(msu2.wd10) CSR2.SE=round(ssu2.wd10) CSR2.CV=round(CSR2.SE/CSR2.Estimate,4) act2=sum(subset(aloss2,adata2$d==10)[1:10]) pct.CSR2=sum(Pred.CSR2<=act2)/length(Pred.CSR2)*100 #
# W=c(1:10,"Total") CSR2.Estimate=c(CSR2.Estimate,round(msu2.td10)) CSR2.SE=c(CSR2.SE,round(ssu2.td10)) CSR2.CV=c(CSR2.CV,round(ssu2.td10/msu2.td10,4)) Premium2=c(Premium2,sum(Premium2)) Outcome2=subset(aloss2,adata2$d==10) Outcome2=c(Outcome2,sum(Outcome2)) Group=rep(grpcode,11) CSR2.Pct=c(rep(NA,10),pct.CSR2) # atC.wd10=atu1.wd10+atu2.wd10 msC.wd10[1]=mean(atC.wd10[,1]) for (w in 2:10){ msC.wd10[w]=mean(atC.wd10[,w]) ssC.wd10[w]=sd(atC.wd10[,w]) } Pred.CSRC=rowSums(atC.wd10) msC.td10=mean(Pred.CSRC) ssC.td10=sd(Pred.CSRC) CSRC.Estimate=round(msC.wd10) CSRC.SE=round(ssC.wd10) actC=act1+act2 pct.CSRC=sum(Pred.CSRC<=actC)/length(Pred.CSRC)*100 W=c(1:10,"Total") CSRC.Estimate=c(CSRC.Estimate,round(msC.td10)) CSRC.SE=c(CSRC.SE,round(ssC.td10)) CSRC.CV=round(CSRC.SE/CSRC.Estimate,4) PremiumC=c(PremiumC,sum(PremiumC)) OutcomeC=Outcome1+Outcome2 Group=rep(grpcode,11) CSRC.Pct=c(rep(NA,10),pct.CSRC) risk=data.frame(W, Premium1,CSR1.Estimate,CSR1.SE,CSR1.CV,Outcome1,CSR1.Pct, Premium2,CSR2.Estimate,CSR2.SE,CSR2.CV,Outcome2,CSR2.Pct, PremiumC,CSRC.Estimate,CSRC.SE,CSRC.CV,OutcomeC,CSRC.Pct) print(risk) write.csv(risk,file=outfilename) #
# par(mfrow=c(1,1)) hist(rho.mcmc,main=expression(paste("Posterior Distribution of ",rho)), xlab=expression(rho), sub=paste("Posterior Mean = ",round(mean(rho.mcmc),3))) # xrange=range(Pred.CSR1,Pred.CSR2,Pred.CSRC) par(mfrow=c(3,1)) hist(Pred.CSR1,main="Posterior Distribution of Outcomes", xlim=xrange,breaks=100,xlab="Univariate Line 1") hist(Pred.CSR2,main="", xlim=xrange,breaks=100,xlab="Univariate Line 2") hist(Pred.CSRC,main="", xlim=xrange,breaks=100,xlab="Bivariate Line 1 + Line 2") # t1=Sys.time() print(t1-t0) #
# par(mfrow=c(1,1)) Pred.CSRI=outcomes1+outcomes2 plot(sort(Pred.CSRC),sort(Pred.CSRI)) abline(0,1) par(mfrow=c(2,1)) hist(Pred.CSRC,sub=paste("Mean =",round(mean(Pred.CSRC)), "S.D. =",round(sd(Pred.CSRC)))) hist(Pred.CSRI,sub=paste("Mean =",round(mean(Pred.CSRI)), "S.D. =",round(sd(Pred.CSRI))))
On Oct 31, 2015, at 10:02 PM, maverickg wrote:
@GGMeyers please share the code to replicate the error you described.
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@GGMeyers thanks for the code. But I run it without error using the current dev branch. If you still have this issue, can you let us know how do you use R (say, use RStudio or not) and which platform you are using (mac, windows, or linux)? Also please provide the message printed right after rstan is loaded.
I use RStudio. I ran the same code that I sent you using Stan 2.8.1, being careful to run it immediately after opening RStudio. It did run normally, in fact a bit faster than it ran with 2.8.0 with the workaround, which was noticeably faster than 2.6.
When I ran it on 2.8.1 before I let it run for over 20 minutes (it now runs in about 4 minutes) before I cut it off. I have no recollection of what else might have happened in the system before I initiated the run.
Anyway thanks for your prompt attention to the matter and I apologize for the false alarm.
On Nov 1, 2015, at 4:24 PM, maverickg wrote:
@GGMeyers thanks for the code. But I run it without error understand the current dev branch. If you still have this issue, can you let us know how do you use R (say, use RStudio or not) and which platform you are using (mac, windows, or linux). Also please provide the message printed right after rstan is loaded.
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Close this as it should be fixed.
From @GCMeyers on stan-dev/stan:
I just upgraded to rstan v 2.8 from v 2.6. An analysis that I am doing calls stan in a loop. For a low number of calls, everything works. For a higher number of calls, errors happen. These errors did not happen when I was using 2.6.