stan_gamm4() seems to have a problem with an expression on the left-hand (response) side of the formula.
stan_gamm4() throws an unexpected error in case of an expression on the left-hand (response) side of the formula (see "Reproducible Steps" below). Such an error does not occur with stan_glm() or stan_glmer().
Reproducible Steps:
# Original source: Example section of `?rstanarm::stan_gamm4`.
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores(logical = FALSE))
dat <- mgcv::gamSim(1, n = 400, scale = 2) ## simulate 4 term additive truth
## Now add 20 level random effect`fac'...
dat$fac <- fac <- as.factor(sample(1:20, 400, replace = TRUE))
dat$y <- dat$y + model.matrix(~ fac - 1) %*% rnorm(20) * .5
br <- stan_gamm4(abs(y) ~ s(x0) + x1 + s(x2), data = dat, random = ~ (1 | fac),
chains = 1,
iter = 500, # for example speed
seed = 1140350788)
throws the error
Error in eval(predvars, data, env) : object 'y' not found
which does not occur with stan_glm() or stan_glmer():
br_glm <- stan_glm(abs(y) ~ x0 + x1 + x2, data = dat,
chains = 1,
iter = 500, # for example speed
seed = 1140350788)
br_glmer <- stan_glmer(abs(y) ~ x0 + x1 + x2 + (1 | fac), data = dat,
chains = 1,
iter = 500, # for example speed
seed = 1140350788)
seems to have a problem with an expression on the left-hand (response) side of the formula.Description:
throws an unexpected error in case of an expression on the left-hand (response) side of the formula (see "Reproducible Steps" below). Such an error does not occur withstan_glm()
.Reproducible Steps:
throws the error
which does not occur with
:RStanARM Version:
2.21.2 (from
R Version:
Operating System:
Ubuntu 20.04.2