stan-dev / rstanarm

rstanarm R package for Bayesian applied regression modeling
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Inconsistency of linear predictor values (numerical instability?) #604

Open fweber144 opened 11 months ago

fweber144 commented 11 months ago


The linear predictors used internally by log_lik() may differ from those derived from posterior_linpred().


While working on projpred's unit tests, I discovered an inconsistency between the linear predictors that are used internally by rstanarm:::log_lik.stanreg() and those calculated by rstanarm:::posterior_linpred.stanreg(). This might be due to some numerical instability within one of these two approaches. I stumbled across this while trying to reproduce the output of log_lik() manually (based on the linear predictors calculated by posterior_linpred()); that's why the reproducible steps shown below include the log likelihood values.

Reproducible Steps:

File rfit.rds is provided in

The point is that line all.equal(eta_from_linpred, eta_from_loglik_internals) shows differing linear predictors. The fact that the log likelihood values differ (line all.equal(ll_from_linpred, unname(ll))) is then clear because it's already the linear predictors which differ.

rfit <- readRDS("rfit.rds")

# Via log_lik():
ll <- log_lik(rfit)
# Inside of rstanarm:::log_lik.stanreg(), the following takes place:
args <- rstanarm:::ll_args.stanreg(rfit, newdata = NULL, offset = NULL,
                                   reloo_or_kfold = FALSE)
fun <- function(data_i, draws) {
  val <- dbinom(data_i$y, size = data_i$trials,
                prob =, draws), log = TRUE)
  rstanarm:::.weighted(val, data_i$weights)
out <- vapply(seq_len(args$N), FUN = function(i) {
  as.vector(fun(data_i = args$data[i, , drop = FALSE],
                draws = args$draws))
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(length = args$S))
ll_from_loglik_internals <- out
stopifnot(identical(ll_from_loglik_internals, unname(ll)))
# Inside of, the following takes place:
eta_from_loglik_internals <-, lapply(
  function(i) {
    data_i <- args$data[i, , drop = FALSE]
names(dimnames(eta_from_loglik_internals)) <- c("iterations", "")

# Via posterior_linpred():
eta_from_linpred <- posterior_linpred(
  rfit, newdata = NULL, offset = rep(0, nrow(rfit$data))
all.equal(eta_from_linpred, eta_from_loglik_internals)
## --> [1] "Mean relative difference: 0.2869042"
mu_from_linpred <- binomial()$linkinv(eta_from_linpred)
ll_from_linpred <- t(array(dbinom(rfit$data$y_gamm_brnll, size = 1,
                                  prob = t(mu_from_linpred), log = TRUE),
                           dim = rev(dim(eta_from_linpred))))
all.equal(ll_from_linpred, unname(ll))
## --> [1] "Mean relative difference: 0.2186712"

RStanARM Version:


R Version:

R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16)

Operating System:

Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS