stan-dev / stanc3

The Stan transpiler (from Stan to C++ and beyond).
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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new compiler gave error #667

Closed stemangiola closed 4 years ago

stemangiola commented 4 years ago


Info: integer division implicitly rounds to integer. Found int division: lenth_v / shards
 Positive values rounded down, negative values rounded up or down in platform-dependent way.
Info: integer division implicitly rounds to integer. Found int division: rows(mus_sigmas) - size_buffer / 2
 Positive values rounded down, negative values rounded up or down in platform-dependent way.

When you compile models, you are also contributing to development of the NEXT
Stan compiler. In this version of rstan, we compile your model as usual, but
also test our new compiler on your syntactically correct model. In this case,
the new compiler did not work like we hoped. By filing an issue at with your model
or a minimal example that shows this warning you will be contributing
valuable information to Stan and ensuring your models continue working. Thank you!
This message can be avoided by wrapping your function call inside suppressMessages()
 or by first calling rstan_options(javascript = FALSE).

Syntax error in 'string', line 102, column 99 to column 100, parsing error:

Expected a ";" after "print(...)".

Warning: Pareto k diagnostic value is 1.59. Resampling is disabled. Decreasing tol_rel_obj may help if variational algorithm has terminated prematurely. Otherwise consider using sampling instead.



int[] rep_int(int x, int n){
    int out_int[n];

    for(i in 1:n)   out_int[i] = x;

    return out_int;

// takes as input an array of the form {a,b,c,d} where a,b,c,d are
// real 1d arrays. These are then returned as concatenated 1d array
real[] concatenate_real_array(real[,] elems);
real[] concatenate_real_array(real[,] elems) {
  int num_elems = size(elems);

  if (num_elems == 1)

  if (num_elems == 2)
    return(to_array_1d(append_row(to_vector(elems[1]), to_vector(elems[2]))));

  // else
  return(to_array_1d(append_row(to_vector(elems[1]), to_vector( concatenate_real_array(elems[2:num_elems]) ))));

// takes as input an array of the form {a,b,c,d} where a,b,c,d are
// 1d vectors. These are then returned as concatenated 1d vector
vector concatenate_vector_array(vector[] elems);
vector concatenate_vector_array(vector[] elems) {
  int num_elems = size(elems);

  if (num_elems == 1) return(elems[1]);

  if (num_elems == 2) return(append_row(elems[1], elems[2]));

  // else
    return(append_row(elems[1],  concatenate_vector_array(elems[2:num_elems]) ));

int[] append_int(int[] i1, int[] i2){
    int i3[size(i1)+size(i2)];

    i3[1:size(i1)] = i1;
    i3[size(i1)+1:size(i1)+size(i2)] = i2;

    return i3;

// takes as input an array of the form {a,b,c,d} where a,b,c,d are
// 1d int[. These are then returned as concatenated 1d integer
int[] concatenate_int_array(int[,] elems);
int[] concatenate_int_array(int[,] elems) {
  int num_elems = size(elems);

  if (num_elems == 1) return(elems[1]);

  if (num_elems == 2) return(append_int(elems[1], elems[2]));

  // else
    return(append_int(elems[1],  concatenate_int_array(elems[2:num_elems]) ));

int get_real_buffer_size(vector v, real threshold){
    // This function finds how may fake indexes -1 there are in a vector, added for map_rect needs

    real i = threshold; // Value of the index
    int n = 0; // Length of the buffer
    int s = rows(v); // Size of the whole vector

    while(i == threshold){
        i = v[s-n];
        if(i==threshold) n += 1;

    return n;

int[] get_elements_per_shard(int lenth_v, int shards){

    // Returned integer(max_size, last_element_size)
    int tentative_size = lenth_v / shards;
    int tentative_remaining = lenth_v - (tentative_size * shards);
    int elements_per_shard = tentative_remaining > 0 ? tentative_size + 1 : tentative_size;
    int remaining =  (elements_per_shard * shards) - lenth_v;

    int length_obj[shards];

    for(s in 1:shards) {
        length_obj[s] =
            s != shards ?
            elements_per_shard :
            elements_per_shard - remaining;  // Actual elements in it for last object

    return length_obj;


int[,] get_int_MPI(int[] v, int shards){
  // Simple MPI for int vector

    int elements_per_shard[shards] = get_elements_per_shard(size(v), shards); // Length of the returned object
    int size_MPI_obj = elements_per_shard[1]; // the first element is always the full size of the object
    int v_MPI[shards,size_MPI_obj] = rep_array(-1, shards,size_MPI_obj); // Set values to -1 for the ones that are not filled

    int i = 0; // Index sweeping the vector

    for(s in 1:shards){
        v_MPI[s, 1:elements_per_shard[s]] = v[ (i + 1) : i + elements_per_shard[s] ];
        i += elements_per_shard[s];

    return v_MPI;

    vector[] get_mu_sigma_vector_MPI(vector mus, vector sigmas, int shards){

        int elements_per_shard[shards] = get_elements_per_shard(rows(mus), shards); // Length of the returned object
        int size_MPI_obj = elements_per_shard[1]; // the first element is always the full size of the object
        vector[size_MPI_obj * 2] v_MPI[shards] ; // Set values to -999 for the ones that are not filled

        int i = 0; // Index sweeping the vector

        for(s in 1:shards){

            // If last shard fill in
            if(s == shards) v_MPI[s] = rep_vector(-999.0, size_MPI_obj * 2);

            v_MPI[s, 1:elements_per_shard[s]] = mus[ (i + 1) : i + elements_per_shard[s] ];
            v_MPI[s, (elements_per_shard[s]+1):(elements_per_shard[s]+elements_per_shard[s])] = sigmas[ (i + 1) : i + elements_per_shard[s] ];

            i += elements_per_shard[s];

        return v_MPI;

    vector lp_reduce_simple( vector global_parameters , vector mus_sigmas , real[] real_data , int[] int_data ) {

        real lp;
        real threshold = -999;
        int size_buffer = get_real_buffer_size(mus_sigmas, threshold);
        int size_vector = (rows(mus_sigmas)-size_buffer)/2;

        if(min(mus_sigmas[1:(size_vector*2)]) == threshold) print("ERROR! The MPI implmentation is buggy")

        // Reference / exposure rate
        lp = neg_binomial_2_log_lpmf(
            int_data[1:size_vector] |
            1.0 ./ exp( mus_sigmas[size_vector+1:size_vector+size_vector] )

     return [lp]';


    vector[] which(int x, vector[] a, vector[] b, vector[] c, vector[] d){
        if(x == 1) return(a);
        if(x == 2) return(b);
        if(x == 3) return(c);
        else return(d);

data {
    // shards
    int<lower=1> shards;

    // Reference matrix inference
    int<lower=0> G;
    int<lower=0> GM;
    int<lower=0> S;
    int CL; // counts linear size

    // reference counts
    int<lower=0> counts_linear[CL] ;
    int G_linear[CL] ;
    int S_linear[CL] ;

    // Non-centered param
    real lambda_mu_prior[2];
    real lambda_sigma_prior[2];
    real lambda_skew_prior[2];
    real sigma_intercept_prior[2];

transformed data{
    real real_data[shards, 0];

parameters {

    // Global properties
  real<offset=lambda_sigma_prior[1],multiplier=lambda_sigma_prior[2]> lambda_sigma;
  real<offset=lambda_skew_prior[1],multiplier=lambda_skew_prior[2]> lambda_skew;

    // Sigma
    real<upper=0> sigma_slope;
    real<lower=0> sigma_sigma;
  real<offset=sigma_intercept_prior[1],multiplier=sigma_intercept_prior[2]> sigma_intercept;

  // Local properties of the data
  vector[G] lambda_log;
  vector[G] sigma_inv_log;
  vector[S-1] exposure_rate_minus_1;

transformed parameters{

    vector[S] exposure_rate = append_row(exposure_rate_minus_1, -sum(exposure_rate_minus_1));

model {

  // Overall properties of the data
  lambda_mu ~ normal(lambda_mu_prior[1],lambda_mu_prior[2]);
    lambda_sigma ~ normal(lambda_sigma_prior[1],lambda_sigma_prior[2]);
    lambda_skew ~ normal(lambda_skew_prior[1],lambda_skew_prior[2]);

  sigma_intercept ~ normal(0,2);
  sigma_slope ~ normal(0,2);
  sigma_sigma ~ normal(0,2);

    // Exposure
    exposure_rate_minus_1 ~ normal(0,2);

    // Means overdispersion reference
    lambda_log ~ skew_normal(lambda_mu, exp(lambda_sigma), lambda_skew);
    sigma_inv_log ~ normal(sigma_slope * lambda_log + sigma_intercept, sigma_sigma);

    target += sum(map_rect(
        lp_reduce_simple ,
        [sigma_intercept, sigma_slope]', // global parameters
            lambda_log[G_linear] + exposure_rate[S_linear],
        get_int_MPI( counts_linear, shards)




rok-cesnovar commented 4 years ago

Thanks @stemangiola

In order for this model to work with the new parser that will be part of a future rstan version, you need to just add a ";" after print. We are aware that the previous parser (stanc2) was not as strict on semicolons, the new one is.

If I add that, the model compiles normally with the new parser.

rok-cesnovar commented 4 years ago

And the integer divison warning goes away if you will use the integer operator: %/% which will also be a part of the new compiler.