stanbsky / How-Hard-Can-It-Be-Redux

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Weather: can implement a rain effect, can't edit to on Mac to be effective #34

Open stanbsky opened 2 years ago

stanbsky commented 2 years ago

So I've managed to put in a rain effect. Trouble is: it needs editing for size (it's not scaled to our game), angle (bit more vertical), and colour (bluish not white).

Unfortunately, the Particle Editor tool doesn't work on Mac (UI won't render), and the effect needs meticulous adjustments and testing in-game. So basically, I can't do it unless I set everything up on a windows PC (not easy).

If someone's bothered, feel free to pick it up and tweak it to look good and work. Then we could implement "weather zone" obstacles that would render rain on the screen and e.g. slow the player down.

stanbsky commented 2 years ago

screen What the editor looks like in the process of refining the effect (obvs needs to be seen live as the particles fall)

stanbsky commented 2 years ago

Test out how it looks (unedited) in the particle-effects branch, commit 110477d13a7ed87d5f98b97f9676776759a3d149