standardebooks / manual

The source code for the Standard Ebooks Manual of Style.
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Update Content MathML semantics requirements #131

Closed bentley closed 1 year ago

bentley commented 1 year ago

The manual states: “When possible, Content MathML is used over Presentational MathML.”

This contradicts the EPUB spec:

The math element MUST contain only Presentation MathML, with the exception of the annotation-xml element.

Content MathML MAY be included within MathML markup in XHTML Content Documents, and, when present, MUST occur within an annotation-xml child element of a semantics element.

So I modified the example, basing it on MDN and the MathML spec.

bentley commented 1 year ago

I looked at all the MathML in the corpus and didn’t see any Content MathML, so this shouldn’t require immediate change in any existing books.

acabal commented 1 year ago
