standardese / standardese

A (work-in-progress) nextgen Doxygen for C++
930 stars 45 forks source link

Release 0.4.0 #125

Closed saraedum closed 4 years ago

saraedum commented 5 years ago

The last release of this has been two years ago. Would you mind creating a new release so this can be more easily packaged by distributions?

Here's what needs to happen I think before this can happen:

foonathan commented 5 years ago

I am mostly wondering what you think about this (you probably do not care much about this project at the moment.) I am happy to polish this more with your input.

Yeah, I am not really motivated to work on standardese at the moment (and I didn't have the time for anything the past couple months and until October anyway).

I had this great vision for the project, to write a tool that fully understands C++ and generates the correct documentation, but the more I did, the more I realized that this is just not possible in the way I wanted it, which demotivated me a lot.

I am not sure when I want to continue working on it, which is a shame because people seem to use it/like it, so I don't think I should keep owning the project. If you (or anyone else) like to step up, I'd be willing to transfer ownership.

saraedum commented 5 years ago

I am mostly wondering what you think about this (you probably do not care much about this project at the moment.) I am happy to polish this more with your input.

I had this great vision for the project, to write a tool that fully understands C++ and generates the correct documentation, but the more I did, the more I realized that this is just not possible in the way I wanted it, which demotivated me a lot.

Could you elaborate a bit on what kinds of things were not possible?

I am not sure when I want to continue working on it, which is a shame because people seem to use it/like it, so I don't think I should keep owning the project. If you (or anyone else) like to step up, I'd be willing to transfer ownership.

I might be using standardese professionally quite a bit so I should be able to allocate some time for its maintenance. At the same time, I do not feel ready to take sole ownership of the project yet. But if some more people would join the effort, I would not mind to be a core member of the standardese team.

foonathan commented 5 years ago

Well, f you're writing libraries with advanced template metaprogramming, the C++ you write is a lot different from the way the API is supposed to look. The best way is to just manually write the synopsis you want to have in that case.

And because I am writing a lot of advanced template metaprogramming libraries, standardese isn't really useful for me anymore.

jansende commented 5 years ago

Would you mind elaborating on this point? The way you write the metaprogramming libraries cannot be interpreted by standardese? Or it's just cumbersome to write the correct standardese syntax?

foonathan commented 5 years ago

standardese works fine, it just doesn't show what I necessarily want to say.

For example, I might have a detail base class to conditionally disable copy/move constructors, but in the documentation I just want to list the constructor and say it is conditionally disabled. I've started working on supporting it, but it doesn't quite work yet.

It is a lot of work to fully handle those things, for my use cases it is just easier to manually write the synopsis.

jansende commented 5 years ago

Ah okay. I discovered standardese by chance today and had a look around the repo. Being that I have lots of compile time computations as well, I was wondering what the problem is. Thanks for the answer.

foonathan commented 5 years ago

standardese is probably going to handle the code better than Doxygen. But it is not quite at the level I want.

saraedum commented 4 years ago

After working with this quite a bit more, I figured that standardese will be the tool that I'll be using for quite some documentation tasks. So I am happy to do a big chunk of maintenance for the next year at least.

I guess a typical process would be to move standardese into a standardese organization on GitHub? What do you think @foonathan?

@foonathan what's the status of the submodules (ThreadPool, cppast, cmark) and recursively their dependencies? Which of these are essentially specific to standardese? (And should then probably be moved as well.)

foonathan commented 4 years ago

That's good to hear, thank you!

I could create an organization or I can just transfer ownership over to you, if you want.

saraedum commented 4 years ago

I created a standardese organization. You should have received an invitation.

Feel free to add people and transfer repos to this organization. I'll ask someone to come up with a logo for this if you don't have one already.

foonathan commented 4 years ago

Alright, I have transferred standardese (as you can tell).

Feel free to do whatever you want with it :) I will hang probably hang around in the issue tracker and PRs, but will probably not commit much. Have fun!

saraedum commented 4 years ago

Thank you. I'll likely CC you very frequently. Feel free to ignore these (but I would of course be very happy about any comments.) I am sure that we'll happen to break some design ideas that we don't get initially as we are getting to know the code base better. :) As I said, any comments are always very welcome.

foonathan commented 4 years ago

I'll be happy to help in any way I can. I'll also announce it on my blog soon and write a detailed post-mortem why I abandoned it. You should probably remove the patreon link from the Readme. How should we handle the license?

saraedum commented 4 years ago

Do you mean the copyright notice in the license? I'm happy with keeping it the way it is for the time being, probably adding "and the standardese contributors". I'd probably want to add an AUTHORS file or something like that that lists all the contributors for copyright purposes.

foonathan commented 4 years ago

Yes, that sounds good.

jansende commented 4 years ago

All hail to our new overlord! 😆 @saraedum already any concrete plans?

saraedum commented 4 years ago

@jansende, let's chat on gitter.

bresilla commented 4 years ago

I created a standardese organization. You should have received an invitation.

Feel free to add people and transfer repos to this organization. I'll ask someone to come up with a logo for this if you don't have one already.


What do you thing about this logo! I made yesterday after seeing this project will get back on track again. The logo is an "S" but divided in three parts just like "///" for standardese comments :)

Anyways, here is the SVG gist:

Feel free to use any way you want, or just ignore all the same.

I am just happy that this project will see a fresh restart. I am using standardese quite a lot too, so hopefully soon I'll be able to join and contribute code too :)

bresilla commented 4 years ago

Meanwhile wouldn't mind start working on a static website (documentation) for the project. I'll have some time to do that by the end of the month!

I could use HUGO as a static builder. And maybe later on the road, we could think of ways how to directly integrate the standardese output to HUGO's static building language too (or even Markdown).

This would be awesome, as HUGO is already awesome to build different layouts and themes (even for documentations). I am learning compilers those days, and i am building a toy language, and was thinking that having a tool that spits out documentation and then can easily be picked up by static page builders (HUGO, JEKYLL and whatever is there) would be amazing. Standardese already does that, it just needs a better integration. I will spend some time into that ...

Anyways :)

saraedum commented 4 years ago

@bresilla thanks for the awesome logo! I'll create a new issue for the documentation/website…thanks for taking the lead on that!

bresilla commented 4 years ago

@bresilla thanks for the awesome logo! I'll create a new issue for the documentation/website…thanks for taking the lead on that!

I was thinking more into creating a separate repository inside the standardese organisation, called website and use that to build a website with Github Pages

So there would be a separate repository called website (or whatever you want) and then there there would be a folder "/docs" that GitHub Page would pick up the index.html file and serve as website.

What do you think?

foonathan commented 4 years ago

just fyi: the website repo needs to be called

I'm so happy that you seem to be bringing this one back to live, thanks a lot!

saraedum commented 4 years ago

To make the life of packager's easier, I would like to move to semantic versioning. So the next release would probably be 1.0.0 (after 0.3-4 which probably translates to 0.3.4 in semver.) I know that to some people 1.0.0 sounds like "first stable release" which it is definitely not. But it contains afaik breaking changes from 0.3-4 so 1.0.0 is the logical version number.

I'd start with 1.0.0-rc.0 and see whether things check out when packaging on conda-forge and docker. Once that looks alright, I'll create the actual 1.0.0 release. What do you think?

jzakrzewski commented 4 years ago So I see no pressure on calling it 1.0.0 if it's not really intended to be.

saraedum commented 4 years ago

Cool. Wasn't aware of that. So 0.4.0 then?

jzakrzewski commented 4 years ago

Yeah, I'd go 0.4.0. Would also probably be nice to drop a line somewhere in docu that this project adheres to semver just to make it clear. I mean there are a lot of projects using x.y.z versioning but not really using semver.

jansende commented 4 years ago

@saraedum @jzakrzewski Although it is allowed to stay at 0.x.x, it still might be nice to upgrade to 1.0.0 just to mark the changes as not backwards compatible.

Regardless of what version number you choose, you could mark it as unstable in the version log, plus you could add a -alpha modifier to the version number never upgrading it to a full version (as long as you are developing). For example: 1.0.0-alpha, 1.1.0-alpha, 1.1.5-alpha, ...

saraedum commented 4 years ago

I wouldn't add -alpha since it's not an alpha as opposed to some previous stable version. I think I prefer 0.4.0, it communicates more clearly that this isn't stable yet.

standardese is not widely packaged (actually, is it anywhere but in the AUR?) so people won't accidentally upgrade and hate us for breaking changes :)

saraedum commented 4 years ago

Now, I have no clue what to put in the Release Notes for 0.4.0-rc0. I never used the released version of standardese but only the develop branch so I have no idea what has actually changed.

Does someone know and would like to point out the major points?

foonathan commented 4 years ago

It's basically a complete internal rewrite using cppast and the GitHub fork of cmark with parsing extensions. It has more "frontend" features than master but I hadn't re-implemented templating yet.

saraedum commented 4 years ago

I put a little todo at the top of this issue. I'll take care of the patches and the docker images. If anybody wants to take care of the README and/or ChangeLog please feel free to plunge forward :)

foonathan commented 4 years ago
