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Please improve font-family for Korean(Hangul). #545

Open mytory opened 4 years ago

mytory commented 4 years ago

Hello. I'm using Standard Notes for Windows.

"Standard Notes" is awesome. Thank you.

But, the editor font for Korean is not good. Standard Notes use font-family - Menlo, Consolas, "DejaVu Sans Mono", monospace in the editor. Korean Windows use "Gulimche" for default monospace font. The font is ugly.

Gulimche is the family of Gulim font that is default Windows font from Windows 95 to Windows XP. Many Korean had complained about it. So MS changed default font to "Malgun Gothic". But they didn't change default monospace font.

Standard Notes use Windows default font for UI. Font family for <body> is -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", "Roboto", "Oxygen", "Ubuntu", "Cantarell", "Fira Sans", "Droid Sans", "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif. There isn't Korean font, so the program uses default sans-serif font for Korean that is "Malgun Gothic". This is not bad.

But editor font uses monospace that is "Gulimche" in Korean Windows. It's very bad. I love Standard Notes, however not editor font.

Please add "Malgun Gothic" to editor font-family. If you don't want to add a general font to the editor then please add D2Coding that is monospace font many Korean developers are using.

The best way is to add a font setting. But I know that way is not easy. So I want to quick way that is to add a Korean font-family - "Malgun Gothic" or "D2Coding".

Thank you.

arielsvg commented 4 years ago

Thank you so much for your feedback! We're very inexperienced with languages that use non-roman writing systems so this is very useful. If you don't want to use a monospace font for you notes, you can do so by going into the note's "Options" menu and unchecking the "Monospace Font". Is there a monospace font you would recommend for Korean that is already installed on Windows systems?

arielsvg commented 4 years ago

Tagging @zsoltszilvai in case this kind of info is useful to you :)