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Feature request: Select multiple notes #138

Closed krisovice closed 1 year ago

krisovice commented 6 years ago

Selecting multiple notes for batch processing (adding tags, archiving etc.) currently not possible. Any plans to add this feature in near future?

moughxyz commented 6 years ago

I do have plans to add this as an extension component in the near future.

msbentley commented 6 years ago

Yes, this is a must - I was struggling just now to try and delete a bunch of test notes I'd created, but couldn't find a way...

kengribble commented 6 years ago

I'm also interested in this feature. Specific use cases would be:

There could be more, but I'm just starting with Standard Notes!

Thanks for the great work!

moughxyz commented 6 years ago

Thanks @kengribble!

jjtk88 commented 6 years ago


This would be fantastic! Am struggling to select multiple notes.

moughxyz commented 6 years ago

Btw, the Batch Manager has been released (available in the Extensions menu). It allows you to batch delete for the most part and nothing else. But perhaps in the future it will get the ability to do more than that.

andmib commented 5 years ago

Is there a way to have this batch work to archive a bunch of imported notes? If not, what would be the best way of doing so?

moughxyz commented 5 years ago

No, there isn't a way to batch archive currently. We can probably add something like this in the future. For now, it would have to be done manually I'm afraid. Or you can edit the import file directly to add the archived flag in there. Try archiving an existing note, then downloading a decrypted backup of your data to see how to structure that if you do end up going that route.

metbril commented 5 years ago

I really hope selecting multiple notes and performing different actions on it (archive, delete, tag) will be possible in the near future. Do you have an ETA or can you at least confirm you are actively working on it? 🙏

moughxyz commented 5 years ago

More of a long term priority. Not something I would expect any time soon.

macariojames commented 5 years ago

Any luck with this? I'm testing out the paid version now of Standard Notes, mainly importing batches of documents from Evernote and Notion, and it's a PAIN to have to delete these notes one by one.

amccaugh commented 4 years ago

I'm in the same boat -- not being able to delete several notes at once makes note management a bit more of a pain than it needs to be.

tylerdq commented 4 years ago

I am also highly interested in this feature and would use it a lot. Looking forward to seeing it in the future.

bryvin commented 4 years ago

This will be in an upcoming version of the app; not timeline yet but we agree this is a very needed feature.

andreamoro commented 4 years ago

Just want to add my few bits as an Evernote User willing to transition.

I went straight for the $149 payment just because I have faith (and I hope this will be in a good place). That being said, not being able to select multiple notes and change the Editor in bulk to allow me consuming my Evernote notes straight off the book is a kind of a big pain/fail

Can you please advice?

moughxyz commented 4 years ago

Something we're working towards for v4, which is a major redesign (no dates yet). For now you can make an editor your default editor by selecting the editor from the menu, then opening the editor menu again and choose "Set Default".

shumink commented 4 years ago

i'll be staying on my icloud notes until this is finalized... can't be productive without this feature..

echokos commented 4 years ago

Wish I would've noticed this before paying for 5 years... ouch. Impossible right now to manage a lot of notes.

JaspalSuri commented 4 years ago

Wish I would've noticed this before paying for 5 years... ouch. Impossible right now to manage a lot of notes.

If you've purchased it within 30 days, you should be able to get a refund by contacting

That said, we should have this out within the next five years, keeping everything constant (e.g. no giant meteors).

joeySeal commented 3 years ago

This would make SN much more practical. For now if I wanted to so a bulk delete, is it possible to?

  1. Decrypt the backup files
  2. Delete notes as needed
  3. Load backup
daveQD commented 3 years ago

I too would love to see this feature. Just in the process of importing all my old Onenote notebooks. Excited to hear what version 4 will bring..

JaspalSuri commented 3 years ago

Hi @joeySeal, sorry for the delayed response. To import backups and bulk delete items, please refer to this support article on decrypting and importing backups via the Account menu of the web/desktop apps (for 1 & 3), and then use the Batch Manager extension (located in the Extensions menu) to bulk-delete items (for 2) before signing in to merge what remains into your account.

Hi @daveQD, thanks for letting us know. We're excited for v4 as well. We currently plan to have this feature implemented before v4 is released. 🙂

virtuallyvlad commented 3 years ago

Looks like everything on here is implemented, at least on desktop and web, with v3.7.0.


antsgar commented 3 years ago

Hi @virtuallyvlad! You can also add or remove tags on multiple notes by either right clicking on the notes or accessing the top-right overflow menu, and clicking on the Add tag option 🙂

virtuallyvlad commented 3 years ago

Hi @virtuallyvlad! You can also add or remove tags on multiple notes by either right clicking on the notes or accessing the top-right overflow menu, and clicking on the Add tag option

Oops, my mistake. Seems the tagging option appears if you have some tags already created. With 0 tags, it's hidden.

antsgar commented 3 years ago

Oh yes that's correct, you'd need to have some tags available for the option to show up since new tags can't currently be created from the context menu

effieeee commented 1 year ago

Closing, already implemented :)