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[bug] iPad Screen fills up with unusable grey space #2870

Open supercsc opened 1 year ago

supercsc commented 1 year ago

When I try to edit notes on the iPad, the screen tends to fill up with unusable grey space when I try to use the floating keyboard. The only way I’ve been able to fix this once it happens is to kill the app from the app switcher. 5890BF9D-69E0-474C-98C9-829229600105

zengardenz commented 1 year ago

Confirming Same Bug

I have been having the same problem on my iPad specifically. The “grey space” is dependent on the theme you have, but the result is the same–the UI disappears and renders the entire app useless. I get this no matter my keyboard input.

zengardenz commented 1 year ago

Here’s mine after abou 30 seconds of editing a note. Bluetooth keyboard used. 00BF25F7-EB3D-4021-A112-EE2829D3C708

DarkArc commented 1 year ago

I have this problem as well; and this related issue here These both are still going on months later.

Morse6690 commented 1 year ago

Floating keyboard does exactly the same thing to me. The app is basically unuseable with the floating keyboard. The sad part is that it's the only keyboard that I use. Please address this when you can.

effieeee commented 1 year ago

Apologies for the wait, a fix for this is coming up, so please look out for the next update on the App Store! 🙏

Morse6690 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the update. I have updated to ver 3.167.11. When using the floating keyboard the app no longer freezes. Unfortunately there is is now a wasted blank blob of unuseable space that takes up a portion of the screen. This blank blob displays no information. In portrait, this "blob" is the size of the docked, full size, keyboard. A large portion of the screen. In landscape it is a random sized narrow strip at the bottom of the screen.

effieeee commented 1 year ago

Hi @Morse6690, can I ask for a screenshot of what the blank space looks like on the app on your end?

leonahess commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue as @Morse6690. The blank space is there once I open the keyboard the first time and then stays there, even if I close the keyboard again.

iPadOS 17.0Beta and Standard Notes 3.167.22 Had these issues also in iPadOS 16.x

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effieeee commented 1 year ago

I see, thank you for the screenshots @leonahess! We'll continue to look into this

effieeee commented 1 year ago

Hi all, another fix is coming up for the follow up issue reported!