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How can I set the default sync server URL in self-hosted web app?[Help Wanted] #3584

Open SLinHennef opened 7 months ago

SLinHennef commented 7 months ago

How can I set the Default Sync Server for the selft hosted web app?

Already tried several approaches for the yml: ` environment:

   - DEFAULT_SYNC_SERVER=https://syncnotes.domain
  - SF_DEFAULT_SERVER=https://syncnotes.domain`

Thanks in advance!

effieeee commented 7 months ago

Hi @SLinHennef, when you sign into your account on the app, please ensure that you enter your sync server URL in the Advanced options menu:


SLinHennef commented 7 months ago

Thanks @effieeee - but this is perfectly clear. I know how to login. But as far as I understood the documentation ( one should be able to define a standardsync-server within the selfhosted web app.

But the options tested so far with the docker-compose did not change the standard-syncserver for my selfhosted webapp.

sambal0 commented 1 week ago

Thanks @effieeee - but this is perfectly clear. I know how to login. But as far as I understood the documentation ( one should be able to define a standardsync-server within the selfhosted web app.

But the options tested so far with the docker-compose did not change the standard-syncserver for my selfhosted webapp.

Having the same problem. Did you find a solution?