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Mark latest stable release for mobile as well #3643

Open effieeee opened 4 days ago

effieeee commented 4 days ago
          I'm sorry to open this again @effieeee , but could you set up latest for stable version not just for desktop, my question is about mobile version.

Or a way to get stable download link from standard notes download page, to fetch the latest version using Obtainium. Whether it's from standard notes website or straight from GitHub, but latest release must be made a feature first in GitHub.

Case use: I want to download stable/latest release straight from GitHub or stable/latest version from the download link in Standard Notes website download page using Obtainium and opt-out on pre-release or beta, a new way to download stable version from Github like how SN is also available in F-Droid?

Also would I lose some functionalities if I download the google play store version but through aurora store?

A lot of apps have this type of multi version releases:Aves, Obtainium, etc. I've tried asking this is Obtainium GitHub discussion but I think this must be a feature first from SN. The discussion in question: Or should I actually open this as feature and linked this issue as the reference for the feature request?

Originally posted by @Adhjie in

Adhjie commented 4 days ago

As a temporary solution until this got implemented. I'll use this method: Temporary solution Okay I found a temporary fix. Turns out the latest version for SN mobile version is in the in-app patch notes tab:

  1. Click the setting icon in standard notes mobile app.
  2. In preferences tab, click the drop-down menu, and pick the "What's new" tab.
  3. Match the latest release in the in-app patch note with the Obtainium update tab using filter by name of .apk release

I have turned off background update for SN, and will update it manually when the pre-release version match the patch note latest version.