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Keyboard shortcuts? #39

Closed The-Phantom-Phreak closed 2 years ago

The-Phantom-Phreak commented 7 years ago

Is there a plan for keyboard shortcuts? Some off the top of my head:

And some of the more exotic ones I remember from text editors like Atom:

moughxyz commented 7 years ago

I'm still thinking of a way to do this through extensions but have not yet arrived at a full solution. But it is something I hope to get to.

andreasio commented 7 years ago

This is really important for a good experience. And it does not interfer with the text format. I'd also add shortcut to bring out the menu, and shortcut to delete a note.

ku1ik commented 6 years ago

I love all ideas behind Standard Notes (focus on simplicity, privacy, e2e encryption, longevity, standardfile), and I think it's the best option out there (Laverna is super buggy, Turtl's usability is so-so), but... lack of keyboard shortcuts on desktop/web is a deal breaker for me. I'm switching back and forth between SN and nvalt (which I can operate exclusively with the keyboard), always going back to nvalt for this single reason. Lack of any keyboard shortcuts whatsoever is also major reason why I still didn't get SN Extended subscription 😐

Wanted to give my honest feedback. Regardless, keep up the good work Mo!

moughxyz commented 6 years ago

Thanks @sickill, really appreciate it! Keyboard shortcuts have definitely not been forgotten about. I had a beta of it up but postponed it for various reasons. Will probably re-introduce it at some point this year.

ebelinski commented 6 years ago

I agree with @andreasio and @sickill. I didn't realize how important keyboard shortcuts were to me until I realized they were missing in Standard Notes. I have been trying out Standard Notes for over a year, but I can't get myself to seriously use it because missing keyboard shortcuts is a productivity killer for me.

moughxyz commented 6 years ago

@ebelinski what kind of shortcuts would be essential to your workflow? It's not out of the question, but would most likely come in the form of an extension. (p.s thanks for the shoutout in your privacy article!)

ebelinski commented 6 years ago

Hi Mo. As a macOS user, I would find it most helpful if Standard Notes had a lot of the same shortcuts as the Notes app. The main ones I'd like would be:

Ideally these options would also show up in the macOS menu bar. This would make it possible for users to set their own custom keyboard shortcuts using System Preferences (in Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts).

Thanks for all the work you all put into Standard Notes!

kooshiel commented 6 years ago

I'd also love to see an extension that would allow for keyboard shortcuts. In addition to those mentioned above. I'd be happy to see:

nikolayhg commented 6 years ago
ku1ik commented 6 years ago

I agree with @ebelinski re ability to customize shortcuts. I believe it's more important to have a decent amount of useful actions exposed to be key-mapped, than to find a perfect keys for them right from the start (I'm sure there are many people like me who would re-map it all to the keys they're used to use in their current note taking apps).

So, regarding useful actions: I really like how nvALT app handles search and creating of new note from a single input box. You focus search box (cmd-L), type something, and you get results live as you type. So, if it finds the text in any of the notes then it filters the list to include only these, and it opens the first one. If it doesn't find the text in any of the notes, then I can just hit enter to create a note with the search text as its title. I find this super productive.

svnsbck commented 6 years ago

+1 Keyboard shortcuts I think are crucial to the desktop app (even for the mobile ones). The more the better. Could also be as an extension.

hwcltjn commented 6 years ago

Any updates on this? Just purchased extended and realised there were no keyboard shortcuts!

moughxyz commented 6 years ago

No updates to give yet..

virtuallyvlad commented 6 years ago

I agree on customizing shortcuts, but if that's not possible then there should at least be a screen to show all available shortcuts. Having to guess which shortcuts are available or digging through documentation would be less ideal.

williamjphamilton commented 6 years ago

+1 Customisable keyboard shortcuts please!

Critical feature for productivity.

moughxyz commented 6 years ago

@williamjphamilton what shortcuts would you be looking for?

mplorentz commented 6 years ago

This feature is keeping me from switching to Standard Notes as well. I think Notational Velocity has a great set of shortcuts. ⌘L to focus in the search bar, arrow keys to navigate search results, and Tab to move the cursor to the editor.

I'd love to see the same shortcuts supported in the iOS app as well, as I frequently use my iPad with an external keyboard.

williamjphamilton commented 6 years ago

@williamjphamilton what shortcuts would you be looking for?

I would like to be able 'alt-tab' through notes and folder + and agree with what another user suggested:

  • ⌘N for a new note
  • ⌘F to search within a note
  • ⌥⌘F to search multiple notes
  • Delete to delete a selected note
  • Up and down arrow keys to navigate between selected notes
  • ⌘, to open the settings panel

Ideally these options would also show up in the macOS menu bar. This would make it possible for users to set their own custom keyboard shortcuts using System Preferences (in Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts).

moughxyz commented 6 years ago

Thanks @williamjphamilton and @mplorentz. This is definitely planned, so still collecting feedback on what kind of shortcuts should be possible. It will be customizable though.

williamjphamilton commented 6 years ago

Thanks @williamjphamilton and @mplorentz. This is definitely planned, so still collecting feedback on what kind of shortcuts should be possible. It will be customizable though.

Thank you! Looking forward to the feature. Keep up the good work.

stefanobernardi commented 6 years ago

Also the only thing that's preventing me from becoming a paid supporter

joshstrange commented 6 years ago

This is the only thing keeping me from seriously trying this is the ability to hide/show the window with a global hotkey like I do in NvAlt. I use my global hotkey 10's of times a day easy.

levjoy commented 6 years ago

Another vote for keyboard shortcuts. I just became a paid user and SN is definitely the best app for my needs by far. However, the lack of shortcuts is a huge gap! Like others in this thread the keyboard is central to my workflow.

Customizable shortcuts would be great, though I'd be looking for the same set described by @williamjphamilton.

I love SN, keep up the amazing work!

moughxyz commented 6 years ago

Thanks @levjoy, noted!

joeySeal commented 6 years ago

+1 for this feature

gaganpreet commented 5 years ago

Another vote for keyboard shortcuts. An app focused on taking notes and working with text can't have enough of these.

mark6400 commented 5 years ago

Another +1. Remaining at the keyboard is critical in writing and working with notes. Notational Velocity got it right with respect to the command-L feature (search, or create new note with query title if query returns nothing). Without this feature, I consider Standard Notes to be a great concept but an impractical app, and I'll stick with NValt until it appears (via extension or core capability).

fletom commented 5 years ago

+1, I personally can't use any app efficiently without keyboard shortcuts

moughxyz commented 5 years ago

On the roadmap for 2019 :)

mark6400 commented 5 years ago

Okay, that's encouraging enough to jump in on the Black Friday deal! I'll keep pitching the "create note from search bar" feature, which I also found in #340. Thank you.

david-coneff commented 5 years ago

To add to the keyboard shortcut wishlist:

would save a lot of screen real-estate for the editor when used on a portrait oriented monitor. Looks like we can only resize these UI panels with a mouse via finding the resizer element that exists in a very narrow horizontal space -> irritating to have to mouse with that precision and then deal have a slow graphical operation create some lag in the process of hiding the panel.

iedd commented 5 years ago

+1 for shortcuts. Really the only important one for me is "Search", But "New Note" would be useful too. Keep up the great work!

izznogooood commented 5 years ago

The one I miss the most is duplicate line (or selected paragraph)! +1

nikess commented 5 years ago

Came across SN. Love it. Zero keyboard shortcuts. Uninstall. A pity!

advait commented 5 years ago

@mobitar Can I help contribute to make this happen? Happy to implement a solution and/or participate in design discussions.

moughxyz commented 5 years ago

@advait thanks for offering to help. The implementation will be pretty straightforward. It's just a matter of working our way towards it.

ghost commented 5 years ago

I just installed SN, but missing shortcuts. I hope this will be avaible soon - then i buy the extended

chmac commented 5 years ago

I love the concept of Standard Notes. Making me go to the mouse for every action feels like a deal breaker.

@advait thanks for offering to help. The implementation will be pretty straightforward. It's just a matter of working our way towards it.

@mobitar This is a real tricky reply. It's been on the roadmap for a year, no progress that I can see. Turning away folks from helping feels like the opposite of progress on this. Unless, reading between the lines, what you're really saying is you expect it to be released in the next month or so? :-)

benhourigan commented 5 years ago


I can speak with certainty only for myself, but I think part of what’s going on here is that people are looking for a more actively maintained replacement for Notational Velocity and nValt.

Standard Notes looks like it would be a candidate, but nValt users can’t migrate because it lacks keyboard shortcuts.

The most important ones here would be the following. I’m including the bindings I use but allowing them to be customized or, in macOS, exposing them through the menu bar so that users can add custom keys through System Preferences > Keyboard would be preferable.

Also, one would ideally be able to start a new note by typing the title into the search field, which is not possible at present. Pressing Enter from a search would move the cursor into the top result.

It’s conceivable that Standard Notes could do something different to nValt, but the main desire here is that the following tasks be keyboard-accessible:

Others may have other key functionality they want to be keyboard accessible.

moughxyz commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I made a mistake mentioning it was on the roadmap. Should know better by now to make feature promises. Keyboard shortcuts will come when SN is ready for them. That's all I can say.

gaganpreet commented 5 years ago

Does this mean keyboard shortcuts are not on the roadmap anymore for 2019? This is the most requested feature in Standard Notes for two years, it will be nice to get some concrete details on when we can expect it to be released.

ErinPo commented 5 years ago

...two years of talking (apparently starting here about a basic feature which is standard in native Mac apps? If it really becomes available only as a paid extension after waiting for years, then I think it will be the first app on the Mac to charge extra for basic keyboard shortcuts :((

effieeee commented 2 years ago

Tracking here:

moughxyz commented 1 year ago

Keyboard shortcuts are now available: