standardnotes / self-hosted

[Legacy] Self-host your own Standard Notes server for end-to-end encrypted notes and files
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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[BUG] Cannot register on fresh installation #72

Open reanim8ed opened 2 years ago

reanim8ed commented 2 years ago

After fresh server setup I tried to register new user in the platform with my custom server address in the advanced options form. Immedietly after POST request, I get expired login screen but loging in with same credentials doesnt work. In server logs I can see failed attempts logged. But if I check the users table in mysql container - it's still empty.

I tried to use these new credentials on default sync server - and I'm logged in. It seems that registration form doesnt care about custom server address account is not registered on the custom server but in server instead.

Case in point: I can provide any link in custom server address, like: and system still return error: This email is already registered if I try to use the same email which was used to register in your standart server.

stevensiebe commented 2 years ago

A similar error for me, using a fresh install on a fresh server A server error occurred while trying to register. Please try again. Trying again shows An existing registration request is already in progress.

If I reload the page and attempt to sign in, I'm prompted to enter a two-factor authentication code, which I can't because I haven't signed in to set up 2fa.

Nicicalu commented 2 years ago

Same here!

dasTor commented 2 years ago

Same, any eta on a fix?

moughxyz commented 2 years ago

Ensure you're up to date on both the client and backend. There's been a few changes in this area so if you're running older versions with newer clients you'll have this issue.

dasTor commented 2 years ago

i have updated my backend yesterday, client was freshly downloaded yesterday too. i can see in the error_console of the client (mac os) that even though custom sync server is set, the registration request is sent to

moughxyz commented 2 years ago

Ah, indeed. Looks like a recent regression caused by a refactor of our registration handler. Will be fixed by

Nicicalu commented 2 years ago

Ah, indeed. Looks like a recent regression caused by a refactor of our registration handler. Will be fixed by standardnotes/snjs#771.

🙂 thanks!

Nicicalu commented 2 years ago

Thanks! It started working, after I ran:

./ update
moughxyz commented 2 years ago

Note that registrations made during the time the regression was live (I believe it was only the web app, for only a couple days) were made to our server, and those accounts will still exist in our server until deleted. Wit the fix now deployed, you'll have to re-register on your server.

carlox97 commented 2 years ago

@moughxyz I'm having the same problem: I self-hosted the docker standalone server and upon the first login after registering I get asked a 2FA code which prevents me from logging in.

Nicicalu commented 2 years ago

@moughxyz I'm having the same problem: I self-hosted the docker standalone server and upon the first login after registering I get asked a 2FA code which prevents me from logging in.

Did you run ./ update on your server?

carlox97 commented 2 years ago

@moughxyz I'm having the same problem: I self-hosted the docker standalone server and upon the first login after registering I get asked a 2FA code which prevents me from logging in.

Did you run ./ update on your server?

Yes, I did. I'm trying to host a local istance (no https) before going public.

This is what I did/steps to reproduce, I didn't edit anything besides commands shown.

git clone --single-branch --branch main
cd standalone
./ setup

sed -i "s/auth_jwt_secret/$(openssl rand -hex 32)/g" .env
sed -i "s/secret/$(openssl rand -hex 32)/g" docker/auth.env
sed -i "s/legacy_jwt_secret/$(openssl rand -hex 32)/g" docker/auth.env
sed -i "s/secret_key/$(openssl rand -hex 32)/g" docker/auth.env
sed -i "s/server_key/$(openssl rand -hex 32)/g" docker/auth.env

./ update

Status looks good, everything running, healtcheck OK.

I tried to register from iOS, Android, Windows using "", I got a generic error at times, upon clicking register, regardless of this error I cannot register with another account because "another registration in progress" (or something in those lines). Upon trying to log in from the app (any platform) I get prompted to input the 2FA code, which I don't have, obviously, and at the same time the logs show:

auth-standalone                      | query: SELECT `user`.`uuid` AS `user_uuid`, `user`.`version` AS `user_version`, `user`.`email` AS `user_email`, `user`.`pw_nonce` AS `user_pw_nonce`, `user`.`encrypted_server_key` AS `user_encrypted_server_key`, `user`.`server_encryption_version` AS `user_server_encryption_version`, `user`.`kp_created` AS `user_kp_created`, `user`.`kp_origination` AS `user_kp_origination`, `user`.`pw_cost` AS `user_pw_cost`, `user`.`pw_key_size` AS `user_pw_key_size`, `user`.`pw_salt` AS `user_pw_salt`, `user`.`pw_alg` AS `user_pw_alg`, `user`.`pw_func` AS `user_pw_func`, `user`.`encrypted_password` AS `user_encrypted_password`, `user`.`created_at` AS `user_created_at`, `user`.`updated_at` AS `user_updated_at`, `user`.`locked_until` AS `user_locked_until`, `user`.`num_failed_attempts` AS `user_num_failed_attempts` FROM `users` `user` WHERE `user`.`email` = ? -- PARAMETERS: ["************"]
cache-standalone                     | 1:M 15 Jul 2022 20:18:19.492 * Background saving terminated with success
syncing-server-js-worker-standalone  | {"message":"Alive and kicking!","level":"info"}
auth-worker-standalone               | {"message":"Alive and kicking!","level":"info"}
pageb018 commented 1 year ago

I am still getting the enter 2-fa prompt when trying to create a new account on a brand new install.

Both backend and app are up to date.

carlox97 commented 1 year ago

I am still getting the enter 2-fa prompt when trying to create a new account on a brand new install.

Both backend and app are up to date.

Try to ./ cleanup then delete all files and clone from repo again, following the basic setup instructions on their docs and run ./ update. Then be sure there are no typos in email and pass when you register and try to create a password with a-z A-Z 1-9 and “!#”. I managed to login without the 2fa error in this way. Still no idea what I was doing wrong.

pageb018 commented 1 year ago

I am still getting the enter 2-fa prompt when trying to create a new account on a brand new install. Both backend and app are up to date.

Try to ./ cleanup then delete all files and clone from repo again, following the basic setup instructions on their docs and run ./ update. Then be sure there are no typos in email and pass when you register and try to create a password with a-z A-Z 1-9 and “!#”. I managed to login without the 2fa error in this way. Still no idea what I was doing wrong.

Thank you for this, however it did not work for me. I am getting a different error though. I tried the above and even tried a fresh install on a new machine from scratch.

I now receive an invalid user/pass error and see the following in the logs:

auth-standalone | query: SELECTuser.uuidASuser_uuid,user.versionASuser_version,user.emailASuser_email,user.pw_nonceASuser_pw_nonce,user.encrypted_server_keyASuser_encrypted_server_key,user.server_encryption_versionASuser_server_encryption_version,user.kp_createdASuser_kp_created,user.kp_originationASuser_kp_origination,user.pw_costASuser_pw_cost,user.pw_key_sizeASuser_pw_key_size,user.pw_saltASuser_pw_salt,user.pw_algASuser_pw_alg,user.pw_funcASuser_pw_func,user.encrypted_passwordASuser_encrypted_password,user.created_atASuser_created_at,user.updated_atASuser_updated_at,user.locked_untilASuser_locked_until,user.num_failed_attemptsASuser_num_failed_attemptsFROMusers`user WHERE = ? -- PARAMETERS: [""]`

pageb018 commented 1 year ago

nvm, I am an idiot.

I needed to register the account first.