standards-hub / docs

A documentation template made with Nuxt UI Pro.
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Open jpradocueva opened 2 months ago

jpradocueva commented 2 months ago


Auto-scroll left to right whatever component has been inserted into the carousel




FroudeDescartes commented 2 months ago

Beside Nuxt UI Carousel, there is also a independent library for vue.js Carousel

FroudeDescartes commented 2 weeks ago

@rubystream In OMA website, under the ShCarousel branch, there is this component. The issue with it is that I cannot find a way to count the number of components in a markdown file and to use that number in an array called items. This problem invokes two additional problems:

  1. Components inserted inside the Carousel are treated as one element of an array and thus they are badly rendered
  2. Because they are treated as one element, Carousel doesn`t work properly as it has to count elements inside the array to create the same number of navigation dots