stanford-futuredata / ColBERT

ColBERT: state-of-the-art neural search (SIGIR'20, TACL'21, NeurIPS'21, NAACL'22, CIKM'22, ACL'23, EMNLP'23)
MIT License
2.67k stars 355 forks source link

Basic Training (ColBERTv1-style) -> ujson.JSONDecodeError: Expected object or value #311

Open kevinningthu opened 4 months ago

kevinningthu commented 4 months ago

seems like triples="/path/to/MSMARCO/triples.train.small.tsv" (qid, pid+, pid-) are not supported for training anymore,

The triples = '/path/to/examples.64.json' should be like this. image

GhostCR323 commented 4 months ago

I do not understand what the figures stand for?

GhostCR323 commented 4 months ago

i happen to this error too