stanford-futuredata / ColBERT

ColBERT: state-of-the-art neural search (SIGIR'20, TACL'21, NeurIPS'21, NAACL'22, CIKM'22, ACL'23, EMNLP'23)
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Feedback on ColBERT #32

Closed jobergum closed 3 years ago

jobergum commented 3 years ago

Hello, this is not an issue but feedback. As you know we at the team have been working on the ColBERT model as it is cost effective on CPU and with almost the same accuracy as full cross-attention models and by using 32 dims per contextualized token representation the memory footprint is not a huge concern as you get a lot of memory and v-cpu for free if you can avoid having a GPU, example pricing from AWS EC2 (on-demand/Linux):

m5a.12xlarge 48 v-cpu, 192GB => $2.064 per hour p3.2xlarge 8 v-cpu, 1 Nvidia Tesla V100 GPUs (16GB), 61GB RAM => $3.06 per hour

Vespa currently support float32, but will soon add bfloat16 for our tensor representation which will reduce memory footprint by 50% from 32 bits per value to 16. (Some data our work on ColBERT documented in

Now to the feedback on the modelling:

Thank you.

okhat commented 3 years ago

Hi Jo, thanks for the feedback!

I think that with d=32 and float16, MS MARCO passages consumes around 35GiBs, so one could use a much smaller machine than m5a.12xlarge.

To your main points:

It would be nice if the tokenization parts could be moved out of the torch ColBERT model. This would allow direct export to ONNX format for the model for fast serving (e.g with ONNX-RT).

Please check the current code on master (now v0.2). I think it already does so.

Move to AutoModel instead of BertModel so user can chose by an argument which pre-trained checkpoint should be used.

Good advice! Will do this soon and let you know. I hope it's relatively straightforward.

Let me know if there are other things I can do that are helpful. I'm about to release a quantization flag for indexing in ColBERT that represents each vector with just 32 bytes and yet gets >37% MRR@10 on MS MARCO passages (dev). Conversely, a lot of our users want to use all the Vespa optimizations for our late interaction (MaxSim) operator but don't want to miss out on some features in our repo (e.g., end-to-end retrieval).

Is there any way we can make Vespa and ColBERT interoperate more directly, so people don't have to choose one or the other?

jobergum commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the quick feedback Omar, appreciate it!

I think that with d=32 and float16, MS MARCO passages consumes around 35GiBs, so one could use a much smaller machine than >m5a.12xlarge.

Yes, you are right and it makes it even more attractive compared to GPU serving. bfloat16/int8 is coming soon to Vespa as well (

Let me know if there are other things I can do that are helpful. I'm about to release a quantization flag for indexing in ColBERT that >represents each vector with just 32 bytes and yet gets >37% MRR@10 on MS MARCO passages (dev).

Then we are down to 18GiB for the passage tasks and it also makes the document ranking task more practical as well.

Conversely, a lot of our users >want to use all the Vespa optimizations for our late interaction (MaxSim) operator but don't want to >miss out on some features in our >repo (e.g., end-to-end retrieval).

Yes, end to end retrieval using only ColBERT depends on Vespa allowing indexing multiple tensors per document in the HNSW graph, we don't want to duplicate the passage text across up to 80 sub-documents. Especially for document ranking, but also for passage where we could also store token_ids of the passage for another re-ranking stage using full cross-attention but on e.g top 10 hits from ColBERT MaxSim.

Vespa allows efficient candidate retrieval using sparse (e.g HDCT or docT5query using wand) or dense via ann (hnsw) or a hybrid of the above in the same query. I think personally that ColBERT shines as a re-ranker as compared with a cross-attention model but we do see the need for allowing indexing multiple vectors for the same document so I think we will get there.

Please check the current code on master (now v0.2). I think it already does so.

I see, I'll check it out. I used an older version of this repo when training the linked snapshot weights and a small wrapper for the query forward pass. We used your repo to produce the passage representation and we plan on releasing the pre-produced term vectors on a datahub soon

Is there any way we can make Vespa and ColBERT interoperate more directly, so people don't have to choose one or the other?

I have to think about this. I think the first important part is that the ColBERT model allows exporting to ONNX and that Vespa can index multiple vectors per document in the HNSW graph. The vectorization offline is best done outside of Vespa (as batch size > 1) which makes GPU attractive.

okhat commented 3 years ago

Awesome---thanks Jo!

okhat commented 3 years ago

Hey @jobergum !

I thought you may be interested to know about our new quantization branch. By default, it represents each vector in just 32 bytes. I generally get very similar results with this to using the full 128-dim embedding.

jobergum commented 3 years ago

@okhat thanks for the update. That is awesome! So we can use tensor<int8>(t{}, x[32]). That will also enable further run time optimizations of the max sim operator in Vespa. The current version uses bfloat16 but it just saves memory, the evaluation is still on float but having int8 could enable faster max sim evaluation.

Will merge to master this week, just wrapping up the performance summary.