stanford-futuredata / ColBERT

ColBERT: state-of-the-art neural search (SIGIR'20, TACL'21, NeurIPS'21, NAACL'22, CIKM'22, ACL'23, EMNLP'23)
MIT License
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CollectionEncoder blocking on encoder N passages #322

Open paolomagnani-mxm opened 3 months ago

paolomagnani-mxm commented 3 months ago

Running ColBERT with a GUnicorn server with shared memory, like this:

gunicorn --chdir /app handler:app -w 4 --preload -k uvicorn.workers.UvicornWorker

apparently causes a lock when running the Toch inference session:

This problem was also explained here:

It looks like that's exactly what has happened. The master gunicorn process used some API in libtorch that acquired a lock; when the process forked, that lock is still locked, and there is no way to unlock it.

Do you think it's possible to run the function encode_passages in a thread? Could this be the reason of the issue?

paolomagnani-mxm commented 3 months ago

Any idea on this ?