stanford-oval / storm

An LLM-powered knowledge curation system that researches a topic and generates a full-length report with citations.
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Command not working #91

Closed tstanek390 closed 1 month ago

tstanek390 commented 1 month ago

Hello, I guess its some trivial error on my side, but I cant get STORM working. python examples/ \ --output-dir /Users/admin/AI/storm \ --update-vector-store \ --retriever you \ --do-research \ --do-generate-outline \ --do-generate-article \ --do-polish-article usage: [-h] [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--max-thread-num MAX_THREAD_NUM] [--retriever {bing,you}] [--do-research] [--do-generate-outline] [--do-generate-article] [--do-polish-article] [--max-conv-turn MAX_CONV_TURN] [--max-perspective MAX_PERSPECTIVE] [--search-top-k SEARCH_TOP_K] [--retrieve-top-k RETRIEVE_TOP_K] [--remove-duplicate] error: unrecognized arguments: --update-vector-store

What Am I doing wrong?

P.S. when running it without --update-vector-store i get the same error which I had my previous Issue which was closed as solved, even when it wasnt solved. Cheers

shaoyijia commented 1 month ago


AMMAS1 commented 1 month ago

I think the file you should be running for custom data is

Right now you are running which doesn't work on custom data.

tstanek390 commented 1 month ago

As i mentioned in another issue - with the STORM runs well, without any errors and produces decent results. I just wanted to run GUI streamlit version, and / or GPT / Claude instance. These are the options which i am unable to run :(

EDIT: here is the error code

(storm) admin@Teodor--MacBook-Pro storm % python examples/ \ --output-dir /Users/admin/AI/storm \ --retriever you \ --do-research \ --do-generate-outline \ --do-generate-article \ --do-polish-article Topic: sentinel node biopsy in colon cancer root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query How does sentinel node biopsy help in determining the spread of colon cancer: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query current guidelines for sentinel node biopsy in colon cancer: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query Initial use of sentinel node biopsy in colon cancer: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query History of sentinel node biopsy in colon cancer: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query role of sentinel node biopsy in colon cancer management: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query Importance of sentinel node biopsy in colon cancer staging: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query Evolution of sentinel node biopsy in colon cancer: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query sentinel node biopsy in colon cancer: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query Role of sentinel node biopsy in colon cancer treatment: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query latest research on sentinel node biopsy in colon cancer: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query drawbacks of using sentinel node biopsy in colon cancer: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query How does sentinel node biopsy help in determining the stage of colon cancer?: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query challenges of sentinel node biopsy in colon cancer treatment: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query sentinel node biopsy in colon cancer guidelines: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query How does sentinel node biopsy guide treatment decisions in colon cancer?: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query limitations of sentinel node biopsy in colon cancer management: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query colon cancer sentinel node biopsy recommendations: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query What is sentinel node biopsy in colon cancer?: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query Current best practices in sentinel node biopsy for colon cancer: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query Challenges in implementing sentinel node biopsy for colon cancer: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query Why is sentinel node biopsy important in the treatment of colon cancer?: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query Factors hindering widespread adoption of sentinel node biopsy in colon cancer: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query Evolution of sentinel node biopsy in colon cancer: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query How is sentinel node biopsy performed in colon cancer?: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query Benefits of sentinel node biopsy in colon cancer: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query Recent research on sentinel node biopsy in colon cancer: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query What is the primary goal of sentinel node biopsy in colon cancer?: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query What information does sentinel node biopsy provide to healthcare providers in colon cancer?: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query How is sentinel node biopsy performed in colon cancer?: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query What is sentinel node biopsy in colon cancer?: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query Role of sentinel node biopsy in determining prognosis for colon cancer patients: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query Importance of sentinel node biopsy in colon cancer staging: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query Impact of sentinel node biopsy on treatment decisions in colon cancer: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query significance of sentinel node biopsy in colon cancer: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query treatment options based on sentinel node biopsy results in colon cancer: 'hits' root : ERROR : Error occurs when searching query prognosis of colon cancer patients with sentinel node biopsy: 'hits' knowledge_storm.interface : INFO : run_knowledge_curation_module executed in 8.4985 seconds knowledge_storm.interface : INFO : run_outline_generation_module executed in 3.8235 seconds sentence_transformers.SentenceTransformer : INFO : Use pytorch device_name: mps sentence_transformers.SentenceTransformer : INFO : Load pretrained SentenceTransformer: paraphrase-MiniLM-L6-v2 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/admin/AI/storm/examples/", line 129, in main(parser.parse_args()) File "/Users/admin/AI/storm/examples/", line 84, in main File "/Users/admin/miniforge3/envs/storm/lib/python3.11/site-packages/knowledge_storm/storm_wiki/", line 315, in run draft_article = self.run_article_generation_module(outline=outline, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/admin/miniforge3/envs/storm/lib/python3.11/site-packages/knowledge_storm/", line 376, in wrapper result = func(*args, **kwargs) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/admin/miniforge3/envs/storm/lib/python3.11/site-packages/knowledge_storm/storm_wiki/", line 197, in run_article_generation_module draft_article = self.storm_article_generation.generate_article( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/admin/miniforge3/envs/storm/lib/python3.11/site-packages/knowledge_storm/storm_wiki/modules/", line 57, in generate_article information_table.prepare_table_for_retrieval() File "/Users/admin/miniforge3/envs/storm/lib/python3.11/site-packages/knowledge_storm/storm_wiki/modules/", line 162, in prepare_table_for_retrieval self.encoded_snippets = self.encoder.encode(self.collected_snippets, show_progress_bar=False) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/Users/admin/miniforge3/envs/storm/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sentence_transformers/", line 565, in encode if all_embeddings[0].dtype == torch.bfloat16:

IndexError: list index out of range
Yucheng-Jiang commented 1 month ago

close as duplicate issue of #62