stanford-oval / wikidata-emnlp23

WikiSP, a semantic parser for Wikidata. WikiWebQuestions, a SPARQL-annotated dataset on Wikidata
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Could you please add the data that need to be injected to mongodb? #4

Open NLPerWS opened 3 weeks ago

NLPerWS commented 3 weeks ago

Could you please add the data that need to be injected into mongodb? include these:

client = MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017/") webquestion_dev = client["wikidata-eval"]["dev"] webquestion_test = client["wikidata-eval"]["test"] qald_test = client["wikidata-eval"]["qald7_test"] qald_train = client["wikidata-eval"]["qald7_train"] name_to_pid_mapping = client["wikidata-eval"]["name_to_pid_mapping"] qid_name_mapping = client["wikidata"]["qid_naming_mapping"] sparql_results = client["sparql_results"]["sparql_results"]

thank you very much!!

george1459 commented 2 weeks ago

Hey! For webquestion_dev, simply follow this,. i.e., just inject wikidata-emnlp23/WikiWebQuestions/dev.json, similarly for webquestion_test.

If you are not evaluating on qald-7, you don't need to input data for those.

The last three are only there for caching purposes, so you don't need to inject data into these dbs.

Are you trying to evaluate another set of predictions on our dev and test set, btw? If so just follow this section: (i.e., use