stanford-ppl / spatial

Spatial: "Specify Parameterized Accelerators Through Inordinately Abstract Language"
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Broadcasting (Loop invariance across random variables) #170

Closed mattfel1 closed 5 years ago

mattfel1 commented 5 years ago

Definitely an issue, not 100% sure I have the correct explanation yet:

Foreach(N by 1, M by 1, P by 1 par 16){(m,n,p) => 
  val x = sram(mux(cond, m, 2*m) + mux(cond2, n, 2*n))

It should broadcast x to all 16 lanes, but when its doing the affine analysis, it assigns mux + mux as a new random iterator, and a different one for each lane. Then it thinks that it needs to duplicate the sram since it can't detect the invariance.

I think the fix is to just have a map from new iter to the real iters that compose it, and then .getOrElse(iter, iter) on this map when checking for invariance

dkoeplin commented 5 years ago

Are cond and cond2 loop invariant w.r.t p in this example?

mattfel1 commented 5 years ago

yes, forgot to show that. This is a case that old spatial got right somehow

dkoeplin commented 5 years ago

Old spatial just did basic data dependency checking to check total loop invariance. Is the analyzed access pattern correct (should be random but with last invariant iterator of n)? Sounds like the invariant iterator part is off if it's assigning a new symbol for each lane.

mattfel1 commented 5 years ago

Yea that's right. The access pattern is not correct, it thinks the last invariant iter is p.

For lastIters of the access pattern, it gets components.flatMap{prod => prod.syms.mapping{x => lastVariantIter(is,x) }}. The components are x## + x## (the two mux syms). is is the accessIterators(mem, access), which is every iterator scoped between the declaration of the memory to the access. These x##'s all look like they vary with all the iterators, since scopes(iter) is all of the nestedStms in a block regardless of whether that stm depends on that iterator or not.

I think I'm going to just edit this

    val scope = block.nestedStms.toSet
    scopes ++={_ -> scope}

instead of giving all of scope to every is, I need to filter the scope against what stms actually depend/vary on that iter

mattfel1 commented 5 years ago

I think I fixed it: scopes ++={i => (i -> modeling.consumersDfs(i.consumers,Set(), scope)) }

and consumersDfs is

  def consumersDfs(frontier: Set[Sym[_]], nodes: Set[Sym[_]], scope: Set[Sym[_]]): Set[Sym[_]] = frontier.flatMap{x: Sym[_] =>
    if (scope.contains(x) && !nodes.contains(x)) {
      consumersDfs(x.consumers, nodes + x, scope)
    else nodes

Used in a few other places for retiming.

The test case it works for is

      Foreach(10 by 1){i => 
        Foreach(3 by 1, 3 by 1, 64 by 1 par 16){ (j,k,l) => 
          val cond1 = i % 2 == 0
          val cond2 = i % 3 == 0
          y(j,k,l) = x(mux(cond1, j, j*2) + mux(cond2, k, k*2)) + z(j,k)