stanford-ppl / spatial

Spatial: "Specify Parameterized Accelerators Through Inordinately Abstract Language"
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Update Documentation / Getting Started Tutorial #76

Closed ZhijieWang closed 6 years ago

ZhijieWang commented 6 years ago


Trying to run the getting started tutorial and experience some difficulty. Seems the tutorial is slightly outdated. Can someone point me to the correct one?

Thank you Bill Wang

➜  spatial-lang git:(master) ✗ bin/spatial HelloSpatial  
sbt -batch "apps/run-main HelloSpatial "
[info] Loading global plugins from /Users/
[info] Loading project definition from /Users/
[info] Set current project to spatial-lang (in build file:/Users/
[info] Compiling 7 Scala sources to /Users/
[error] /Users/ Type Int is not a staged type. Try adding an explicit lift() call?
[error]     val argin1 = ArgIn[Int]   // Register that is written to by the host and read from by the Accel
[error]                       ^
[error] /Users/ Type Int is not a staged type. Try adding an explicit lift() call?
[error]     val argout1 = ArgOut[Int] // Register that is written to by the Accel and read from by the host
[error]                         ^
[error] /Users/ Type Int is not a staged type. Try adding an explicit lift() call?
[error]     val io1 = HostIO[Int]     // Register that can be both written to and read from by the Accel and the host
[error]                     ^
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     val argin2 = ArgIn[T]
[error]                       ^
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     setArg(argin1, args(0).to[Int]) // Set argument with the first command-line value
[error]                         ^
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     setArg(argin2,[T]) // Args do not necessarily need to be set with command-line values
[error]                        ^
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     setArg(argin2,[T]) // Args do not necessarily need to be set with command-line values
[error]           ^
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     setArg(io1, args(1).to[Int])
[error]                      ^
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     val data2D        = (0::64, 0::64){(i,j) => i*100 + j} // Create 64x64 2D, where each element is row * 100 + col
[error]                           ^
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     val data5D        = (0::2, 0::2, 0::2, 0::2, 0::16){(i,j,k,l,m) => random[Int](5)} // Create 5D tensor, the highest dimension tensor currently supported in Spatial, with each element a random Int between 0 and 5
[error]                           ^
[error] /Users/ could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type[Int]
[error]     val data5D        = (0::2, 0::2, 0::2, 0::2, 0::16){(i,j,k,l,m) => random[Int](5)} // Create 5D tensor, the highest dimension tensor currently supported in Spatial, with each element a random Int between 0 and 5
[error]                                                                                   ^
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     val dram1D        = DRAM[Int](64)
[error]                                   ^
[info] Int(64) <: spatial.lang.Index?
[info] false
[error] /Users/ Type Int is not a staged type. Try adding an explicit lift() call?
[error]     val dram1D        = DRAM[Int](64)
[error]                                  ^
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     val dram1D_longer = DRAM[Int](1024)
[error]                                   ^
[info] Int(1024) <: spatial.lang.Index?
[info] false
[error] /Users/ Type Int is not a staged type. Try adding an explicit lift() call?
[error]     val dram1D_longer = DRAM[Int](1024)
[error]                                  ^
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     val dram2D        = DRAM[Int](64,64)
[error]                                   ^
[info] Int(64) <: spatial.lang.Index?
[info] false
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     val dram2D        = DRAM[Int](64,64)
[error]                                      ^
[info] Int(64) <: spatial.lang.Index?
[info] false
[error] /Users/ Type Int is not a staged type. Try adding an explicit lift() call?
[error]     val dram2D        = DRAM[Int](64,64)
[error]                                  ^
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     val dram5D        = DRAM[Int](2,2,2,2,16)
[error]                                   ^
[info] Int(2) <: spatial.lang.Index?
[info] false
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     val dram5D        = DRAM[Int](2,2,2,2,16)
[error]                                     ^
[info] Int(2) <: spatial.lang.Index?
[info] false
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     val dram5D        = DRAM[Int](2,2,2,2,16)
[error]                                       ^
[info] Int(2) <: spatial.lang.Index?
[info] false
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     val dram5D        = DRAM[Int](2,2,2,2,16)
[error]                                         ^
[info] Int(2) <: spatial.lang.Index?
[info] false
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     val dram5D        = DRAM[Int](2,2,2,2,16)
[error]                                           ^
[info] Int(16) <: spatial.lang.Index?
[info] false
[error] /Users/ Type Int is not a staged type. Try adding an explicit lift() call?
[error]     val dram5D        = DRAM[Int](2,2,2,2,16)
[error]                                  ^
[error] /Users/ overloaded method value setMem with alternatives:
[error]   [T](dram: spatial.lang.static.DRAM[T], tensor5: spatial.lang.static.Tensor5[T])(implicit evidence$20: argon.core.Type[T], implicit evidence$21: spatial.lang.package.Bits[T], implicit ctx: virtualized.SourceContext, implicit state: argon.core.State)spatial.lang.package.MUnit <and>
[error]   [T](dram: spatial.lang.static.DRAM[T], tensor4: spatial.lang.static.Tensor4[T])(implicit evidence$16: argon.core.Type[T], implicit evidence$17: spatial.lang.package.Bits[T], implicit ctx: virtualized.SourceContext, implicit state: argon.core.State)spatial.lang.package.MUnit <and>
[error]   [T](dram: spatial.lang.static.DRAM[T], tensor3: spatial.lang.static.Tensor3[T])(implicit evidence$12: argon.core.Type[T], implicit evidence$13: spatial.lang.package.Bits[T], implicit ctx: virtualized.SourceContext, implicit state: argon.core.State)spatial.lang.package.MUnit <and>
[error]   [T](dram: spatial.lang.static.DRAM[T], data: spatial.lang.static.Matrix[T])(implicit evidence$8: argon.core.Type[T], implicit evidence$9: spatial.lang.package.Bits[T], implicit ctx: virtualized.SourceContext, implicit state: argon.core.State)spatial.lang.package.MUnit <and>
[error]   [T](dram: spatial.lang.static.DRAM[T], data: spatial.lang.package.MArray[T])(implicit evidence$4: argon.core.Type[T], implicit evidence$5: spatial.lang.package.Bits[T], implicit ctx: virtualized.SourceContext, implicit state: argon.core.State)spatial.lang.package.MUnit
[error]  cannot be applied to (<error>, Array[Int])
[error]     setMem(dram1D, data1D)
[error]     ^
[error] /Users/ overloaded method value setMem with alternatives:
[error]   [T](dram: spatial.lang.static.DRAM[T], tensor5: spatial.lang.static.Tensor5[T])(implicit evidence$20: argon.core.Type[T], implicit evidence$21: spatial.lang.package.Bits[T], implicit ctx: virtualized.SourceContext, implicit state: argon.core.State)spatial.lang.package.MUnit <and>
[error]   [T](dram: spatial.lang.static.DRAM[T], tensor4: spatial.lang.static.Tensor4[T])(implicit evidence$16: argon.core.Type[T], implicit evidence$17: spatial.lang.package.Bits[T], implicit ctx: virtualized.SourceContext, implicit state: argon.core.State)spatial.lang.package.MUnit <and>
[error]   [T](dram: spatial.lang.static.DRAM[T], tensor3: spatial.lang.static.Tensor3[T])(implicit evidence$12: argon.core.Type[T], implicit evidence$13: spatial.lang.package.Bits[T], implicit ctx: virtualized.SourceContext, implicit state: argon.core.State)spatial.lang.package.MUnit <and>
[error]   [T](dram: spatial.lang.static.DRAM[T], data: spatial.lang.static.Matrix[T])(implicit evidence$8: argon.core.Type[T], implicit evidence$9: spatial.lang.package.Bits[T], implicit ctx: virtualized.SourceContext, implicit state: argon.core.State)spatial.lang.package.MUnit <and>
[error]   [T](dram: spatial.lang.static.DRAM[T], data: spatial.lang.package.MArray[T])(implicit evidence$4: argon.core.Type[T], implicit evidence$5: spatial.lang.package.Bits[T], implicit ctx: virtualized.SourceContext, implicit state: argon.core.State)spatial.lang.package.MUnit
[error]  cannot be applied to (<error>, Array[Int])
[error]     setMem(dram1D_longer, data1D_longer)
[error]     ^
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     val dram_result2D = DRAM[Int](32,32)
[error]                                   ^
[info] Int(32) <: spatial.lang.Index?
[info] false
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     val dram_result2D = DRAM[Int](32,32)
[error]                                      ^
[info] Int(32) <: spatial.lang.Index?
[info] false
[error] /Users/ Type Int is not a staged type. Try adding an explicit lift() call?
[error]     val dram_result2D = DRAM[Int](32,32)
[error]                                  ^
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     val dram_scatter1D = DRAM[Int](1024)
[error]                                    ^
[info] Int(1024) <: spatial.lang.Index?
[info] false
[error] /Users/ Type Int is not a staged type. Try adding an explicit lift() call?
[error]     val dram_scatter1D = DRAM[Int](1024)
[error]                                   ^
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]       val sram1D        = SRAM[Int](64)
[error]                                     ^
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     printMatrix(result2D, "Result 2D: ")
[error]                           ^
[info] String("Result 2D: ") <: spatial.lang.MString?
[info] false
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     printArray(result_scattered, "Result Scattered: ")
[error]                                  ^
[info] String("Result Scattered: ") <: spatial.lang.MString?
[info] false
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     val gold_2D = (32::64, 0::32){(i,j) => i*100 + j} // Remember we took bottom-left corner
[error]                      ^
[error] /Users/ missing parameter type for expanded function ((x$18: <error>, x$19) => x$18.$amp$amp(x$19))
[error]     val cksum_scattered = Array.tabulate(64){i => result_scattered(3*i) == 3*i}.reduce{_&&_} // Check if every 3 entries is equal to the index
[error]                                                                                        ^
[error] /Users/ missing parameter type for expanded function ((x$18: <error>, x$19: <error>) => x$18.$amp$amp(x$19))
[error]     val cksum_scattered = Array.tabulate(64){i => result_scattered(3*i) == 3*i}.reduce{_&&_} // Check if every 3 entries is equal to the index
[error]                                                                                           ^
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     println("2D pass? " + cksum_2D)
[error]            ^
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     println("scatter pass? " + cksum_scattered)
[error]            ^
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     println("Received " + result1 + " and " + result2)
[error]            ^
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     val cksum = (result1 == {args(0).to[Int] + args(1).to[Int]}) && (result2 == args(0).to[Int]) // The {} brackets are Scala's way of scoping operations
[error]                                   ^
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     val cksum = (result1 == {args(0).to[Int] + args(1).to[Int]}) && (result2 == args(0).to[Int]) // The {} brackets are Scala's way of scoping operations
[error]                                                     ^
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     val cksum = (result1 == {args(0).to[Int] + args(1).to[Int]}) && (result2 == args(0).to[Int]) // The {} brackets are Scala's way of scoping operations
[error]                                                                                      ^
[error] /Users/ not found: value SourceContext
[error]     println("ArgTest pass? " + cksum)
[error]            ^
[error] 44 errors found
[error] (apps/compile:compileIncremental) Compilation failed
[error] Total time: 75 s, completed Jul 31, 2018 3:29:58 PM
[error] Spatial compilation failed
dkoeplin commented 6 years ago

Hi Bill, I just copied and pasted the code off the tutorial/documentation site and compiled it with no issues. Perhaps there's something that got copied incorrectly with the source file you're using? The Scala compiler is giving errors about Int being unstaged, which suggests part of Spatial isn't being imported properly to shadow scala.Int, and that SourceContext is missing, which is created by an implicit method imported in Spatial. Maybe the import statement import spatial.dsl._ is missing/incorrect?

ZhijieWang commented 6 years ago

after wiping spatial-quickstart and spatial-lang then reclone everything, the tutorial works. Thanks.