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MinSec Check: SaaS/PaaS: Credential and Key Management #24

Closed akkornel closed 6 years ago

akkornel commented 6 years ago

In MinSec for SaaS/PaaS, the Credential and Key Management item has the following:

1. Integrate with Stanford's SSO services, preferably SAML. 2. Review administrative accounts and privileges quarterly. 3. Adhere to the Stanford password complexity rules if not integrated with a Stanford SSO service. 4. API keys:    1. Minimize their generation.    2. Grant minimum necessary privileges.    3. Rotate at least annually.    4. Do not hardcode. 5. Do not share credentials.

For point 1, this is already done: There are two ways to log in to Globus: Using CILogon, or using Google. In both cases, authentication ends up going through Shibboleth.

For point 2, we can make a note in the Server section, for admins to make sure they regularly check their endpoints, and delete ones that aren't needed anymore.

For point 3, we can make a note in the Server section, for admins to make sure they choose a complex password for their Globus ID.

Points 4 and 5 do not apply here specifically. For server admins, they should be following MinSec for Servers. For developers using Globus services, they should follow MinSec for Applications and MinSec for SaaS/PaaS themselves. And we don't address developers on our site right now (but if we do, point 4 should be noted!).

akkornel commented 6 years ago

Point 2 is addressed in commit 9ca97a6. Point 3 is addressed in 995f492. Those were the only two points still open, so I think this is done!