stanfordnlp / dspy

DSPy: The framework for programming—not prompting—foundation models
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DSPY Copro Tutorial for Hotpot QA doesn't work with Bedrock Claude Sonnet Model #1173

Open suesther opened 3 months ago

suesther commented 3 months ago

I word for word copied the tutorial for using DSPY Copro to optimize the hotpot example on the dspy website, but it didn't work.

from dsp import AWSAnthropic
import dspy
from dspy.datasets import HotPotQA
from dspy.evaluate import Evaluate
from dspy.teleprompt import COPRO

dataset = HotPotQA(train_seed=1, train_size=20, eval_seed=2023, dev_size=50, test_size=0)

trainset, devset = dataset.train,
sonnet = AWSAnthropic(
    aws_provider = dspy.Bedrock(region_name="us-west-2"),
class CoTSignature(dspy.Signature):
    """Answer the question and give the reasoning for the same."""

    question = dspy.InputField(desc="question about something")
    answer = dspy.OutputField(desc="often between 1 and 5 words")

class CoTPipeline(dspy.Module):
    def __init__(self):

        self.signature = CoTSignature
        self.predictor = dspy.ChainOfThought(self.signature)

    def forward(self, question):
        result = self.predictor(question=question)
        return dspy.Prediction(

def validate_context_and_answer(example, pred, trace=None):
    answer_EM = dspy.evaluate.answer_exact_match(example, pred)
    return answer_EM

evaluate = Evaluate(devset=devset, metric=validate_context_and_answer, num_threads=NUM_THREADS, display_progress=True, display_table=False)
cot_baseline = CoTPipeline()

devset_with_input = [dspy.Example({"question": r["question"], "answer": r["answer"]}).with_inputs("question") for r in devset]
evaluate(cot_baseline, devset=devset_with_input)
kwargs = dict(num_threads=64, display_progress=True, display_table=0) # Used in Evaluate class in the optimization process
teleprompter = COPRO(
compiled_prompt_opt = teleprompter.compile(cot_baseline, trainset=devset, eval_kwargs=kwargs)

Here is the error message I received.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/esthersu/workplace/p-chatbot-ws/src/P-Chatbot-Bedrock/src/p_chatbot_bedrock/", line 55, in <module>
    compiled_prompt_opt = teleprompter.compile(cot_baseline, trainset=devset, eval_kwargs=kwargs)
  File "/Users/esthersu/workplace/p-chatbot-ws/src/P-Chatbot-Bedrock/src/p_chatbot_bedrock/path/to/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/dspy/teleprompt/", line 171, in compile
    instruct = dspy.Predict(
  File "/Users/esthersu/workplace/p-chatbot-ws/src/P-Chatbot-Bedrock/src/p_chatbot_bedrock/path/to/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/dspy/predict/", line 61, in __call__
    return self.forward(**kwargs)
  File "/Users/esthersu/workplace/p-chatbot-ws/src/P-Chatbot-Bedrock/src/p_chatbot_bedrock/path/to/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/dspy/predict/", line 103, in forward
    x, C = dsp.generate(template, **config)(x, stage=self.stage)
  File "/Users/esthersu/workplace/p-chatbot-ws/src/P-Chatbot-Bedrock/src/p_chatbot_bedrock/path/to/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/dsp/primitives/", line 113, in do_generate
    completions: list[Example] = [template.extract(example, p) for p in completions]
  File "/Users/esthersu/workplace/p-chatbot-ws/src/P-Chatbot-Bedrock/src/p_chatbot_bedrock/path/to/venv/lib/python3.12/site-packages/dsp/templates/", line 152, in extract
    raw_pred = raw_pred.strip()
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'strip'
arnavsinghvi11 commented 3 months ago

Hi @suesther , does this work now with the latest commits in the repo. Just merged #843 that impacts AWS providers/models, which was in the backlogs

suesther commented 3 months ago

No, it unfortunately has the same error.

lebsral commented 3 months ago

No, it unfortunately has the same error.

@suesther can you specify which version of DSPy you used when you tried it again?

suesther commented 3 months ago

I ran this command: pip install git+

suesther commented 3 months ago

@lebsral @arnavsinghvi11 Do you guys have any ideas for what could be the issue?

lebsral commented 2 months ago

I have no idea. But if I was going to go about trying to figure it out I would probably start with "how is the wrong data type, a list instead of a string ending up at this point?"

yhtest1 commented 2 months ago

Is there any update regarding this issue? I am still facing this issue today.

nbilgrien-hbs commented 1 month ago

This issue still persists. Any plans on fixing this?

lebsral commented 1 month ago

Can you give us a complete understanding of your environment? What version of Python ? Virtual env? Conda? Poetry? Spell out what you seeing now please

nbilgrien-hbs commented 1 month ago

Python 3.11

Pip list:

aiobotocore                       2.12.4
aiohappyeyeballs                  2.4.0
aiohttp                           3.10.5
aioitertools                      0.11.0
aiosignal                         1.3.1
alembic                           1.13.2
annotated-types                   0.7.0
anyio                             4.4.0
attrs                             24.2.0
backoff                           2.2.1
beautifulsoup4                    4.12.3
blinker                           1.8.2
boto3                             1.34.106
botocore                          1.34.106
botocore-stubs                    1.35.5
Brotli                            1.1.0
certifi                           2024.7.4
cffi                              1.17.0
charset-normalizer                3.3.2
click                             8.1.7
colorlog                          6.8.2
ConfigArgParse                    1.7
cryptography                      42.0.8
dataclasses-json                  0.6.7
datasets                          2.14.7
defusedxml                        0.7.1
dill                              0.3.7
distro                            1.9.0
dspy-ai                           2.4.13
Events                            0.5
execnet                           2.1.1
fastapi                           0.110.3
filelock                          3.15.4
Flask                             3.0.3
Flask-Cors                        4.0.1
Flask-Login                       0.6.3
frozenlist                        1.4.1
fsspec                            2023.10.0
gevent                            24.2.1
geventhttpclient                  2.3.1
greenlet                          3.0.3
gunicorn                          21.2.0
h11                               0.14.0
httpcore                          1.0.5
httpx                             0.27.0
huggingface-hub                   0.24.6
idna                              3.8
iniconfig                         2.0.0
itsdangerous                      2.2.0
Jinja2                            3.1.4
jmespath                          1.0.1
joblib                            1.3.2
jsonpatch                         1.33
jsonpointer                       3.0.0
langchain                         0.1.20
langchain-community               0.0.38
langchain-core                    0.1.52
langchain-text-splitters          0.0.2
langsmith                         0.1.104
locust                            2.29.1
loguru                            0.7.2
lxml                              5.1.1
Mako                              1.3.5
MarkupSafe                        2.1.5
marshmallow                       3.22.0
msgpack                           1.0.8
multidict                         6.0.5
multiprocess                      0.70.15
mypy-extensions                   1.0.0
numpy                             1.26.4
openai                            1.31.2
opensearch-py                     2.6.0
optuna                            3.6.1
orjson                            3.10.7
packaging                         23.2
pandas                            2.2.2
pip                               24.2
pluggy                            1.5.0
psutil                            6.0.0
pyarrow                           17.0.0
pyarrow-hotfix                    0.6
PyAthena                          3.8.3
pycparser                         2.22
pydantic                          2.5.0
pydantic_core                     2.14.1
PyJWT                             2.8.0
pytest                            8.3.2
pytest-html                       4.1.1
pytest-metadata                   3.1.1
pytest-repeat                     0.9.3
pytest-xdist                      3.6.1
python-dateutil                   2.9.0.post0
python-dotenv                     1.0.1
pytz                              2024.1
PyYAML                            6.0.2
pyzmq                             26.2.0
regex                             2024.7.24
requests                          2.32.3
requests-aws4auth                 1.2.3
s3transfer                        0.10.2
setuptools                        72.1.0
six                               1.16.0
sniffio                           1.3.1
soupsieve                         2.6
SQLAlchemy                        2.0.32
starlette                         0.37.2
structlog                         24.4.0
tenacity                          8.5.0
tqdm                              4.66.5
types-aiobotocore                 2.13.3
types-aiobotocore-bedrock-runtime 2.13.3
types-awscrt                      0.21.2
typing_extensions                 4.12.2
typing-inspect                    0.9.0
tzdata                            2024.1
ujson                             5.10.0
urllib3                           2.2.2
uvicorn                           0.29.0
Werkzeug                          3.0.4
wheel                             0.43.0
wrapt                             1.16.0
xxhash                            3.5.0
yarl                              1.9.4
zope.event                        5.0
zope.interface                    7.0.1

I am initializing the bedrock provider as follows:

bedrock = dspy.Bedrock(region_name="us-east-1")
bedrock_claude_sonnet = dspy.AWSAnthropic(bedrock, model="anthropic.claude-3-haiku-20240307-v1:0")

I'm getting the same error for different claude models as well just fyi

nbilgrien-hbs commented 1 month ago

Line 73 in says:

completions: list[dict[str, Any]] = generator(prompt, **kwargs)

But the completions object ends up being a length one list which itself contains an object of type list[dict[str, Any]]. i.e. it is actually completions: list[list[dict[str, Any]]]

In the __call__ method of AWSModel, the final return is wrapped in a list: return [generated] which results in returning a list of a list of strings, rather than just a list of strings as the type hint would suggest.

nbilgrien-hbs commented 1 month ago

The following change to appears to fix it, but still begs the question as to why it is necessary:

        generated = self.basic_request(prompt, **kwargs)
        if type(generated) is list:
            return generated
        return [generated]
lebsral commented 1 month ago

if you reinstall dspy-ai with pip install git+

Does that change anything for you?

nbilgrien-hbs commented 1 month ago

Nope, that ended up with exactly the same issue.

suyinw commented 2 weeks ago

+1 running into the exact same issue and error

suyinw commented 2 weeks ago

I'm also seeing the exact same error with Anthropic Haiku, Mistral Small, and Meta-llama2 models as well utilizing the dspy.AWSMistral, dspy.AWSAnthropic, dspy.AWSMeta objects image