Open Gsizm opened 3 months ago
You can already use it:
call_config: dict = {}
call_config["response_format"] = {
"type": "json_schema", # json_object | text
"json_schema": {
"name": "my_schema",
"strict": True,
"schema": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {"foo": {"type": "string"}, "bar": {"type": "number"}},
"additionalProperties": True,
predict = dspy.Predict(
# Output
# {"foo":....}
Even though this (above) works, I am now running into a problem that when dspy
rewrites the prompts, it sometimes elides the word json
, resulting in the (thus, expected) error: messages' must contain the word 'json' in some form, to use 'response_format' of type 'json_object'.
Is there a way to force dspy
to always include certain text.
eg, would CoT.hint
stay immutable or is everything subject to the mutation algo?
[edit]: TypedPredictor
does not expose **config
so I cannot __init__
it the way I show in my code above. Hence, my question
I was able to extend Predict and modify new Adopter to come up with a way to work with OpenAI structured output and also Claud way of prompts. It has in-built reasoning along with reflection.
Prompts inputs are XML based, and output is Pydantic Model
import json
import logging
import textwrap
import traceback
import re
from typing import Union, Any
import dsp
import dspy
from dsp import BaseTemplate
from dspy import ensure_signature, signature_to_template, make_signature
from dsp.primitives.demonstrate import Example
from dspy.predict.parameter import Parameter
from openai.lib._pydantic import to_strict_json_schema
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
def slugify(string, delimiter='_'):
return re.sub(r'[\W_]+', delimiter, string.encode('ascii', errors='ignore').decode()).strip(delimiter).lower()
class PredictX(dspy.Predict, Parameter):
def __init__(self, signature, response_format: dict, reflect, auto_reflect, reasoning, max_retries, **config):
config["response_format"] = response_format
self.reflect = reflect
self.reasoning = reasoning
self.max_retries = max_retries
self.auto_reflect = auto_reflect
self.reflecting = False
super().__init__(signature, **config)
def forward(self, **kwargs):
assert not dsp.settings.compiling, "It's no longer ever the case that .compiling is True"
# Extract the three privileged keyword arguments.
new_signature = ensure_signature(kwargs.pop("new_signature", None))
signature = ensure_signature(kwargs.pop("signature", self.signature))
demos = kwargs.pop("demos", self.demos)
config = dict(**self.config, **kwargs.pop("config", {}))
# Get the right LM to use.
lm = kwargs.pop("lm", self.lm) or dsp.settings.lm
assert lm is not None, "No LM is loaded."
# If temperature is 0.0 but its n > 1, set temperature to 0.7.
temperature = config.get("temperature")
temperature = lm.kwargs["temperature"] if temperature is None else temperature
num_generations = config.get("n")
if num_generations is None:
num_generations = lm.kwargs.get("n", lm.kwargs.get("num_generations", 1))
if (temperature is None or temperature <= 0.15) and num_generations > 1:
config["temperature"] = 0.7
# print(f"#> Setting temperature to 0.7 since n={num_generations} and prior temperature={temperature}.")
if new_signature is not None:
signature = new_signature
if not all(k in kwargs for k in signature.input_fields):
present = [k for k in signature.input_fields if k in kwargs]
missing = [k for k in signature.input_fields if k not in kwargs]
print(f"WARNING: Not all input fields were provided to module. Present: {present}. Missing: {missing}.")
_demos = dsp.Example(demos=demos, **kwargs)
if self.reflecting:
config['system'] = """You are expert clinical documentation reviewer. You critically reviewed the AI-generated response and identified issues."""
config['system'] = """You are an helpful assistant, your task is to understand inputs provided in INPUTS xml tag and produce response as per OUTPUT_SCHEMA. For given inputs, you write your detailed objective data-driven reasoning in StructuredOutput.reasoning field, to be sure you understand what you are doing."""
# TODO: Add a retry mechanism here.
while self.max_retries > 0:
pred = structured_output_generate(lm, signature, _demos, **config)
# pprint(f"#### Response Ratting: {pred.rate_your_response}")
# print(f"#### Response Critique: {pred.criticise_response}")
except Exception as e:
self.max_retries -= 1
print(f"Trying again. {self.max_retries} retries left.")
if self.max_retries == 0:
raise e
if self.reflect or (self.auto_reflect and pred.rate_your_response <= 3):
self.reflect = False
self.auto_reflect = False
self.reflecting = True
# pprint(f"Quality of Response: {pred.criticise_response}.\n\nReflecting...")
instructions = textwrap.dedent(f"""You are tasked with reviewing and reflecting on an AI-generated response provided in LLM_RESPONSE to find mistakes and evaluate how well the ORIGINAL_PROMPT followed. Your goal is to identify issues, explain how to fix them, and rewrite the correct response.
Here are the inputs you will be working with:
1. Adherence to the original instructions provided in ORIGINAL_PROMPT
2. Make use of critique_on_response to identify issues in the response as well.
2. Accuracy of information
3. Completeness of the response
4. Proper use of any specified formats or structures
List each issue as numbered points:
1. What the issue is. Be specific with citations of the data
2. Describe how you will fix it
In StructuredOutput.reasoning, list each issue with evidence and its corresponding fix on separate lines. Do not make assumptions unless explicitly stated in the inputs.
For corrected response, do not copy text from the LLM RESPONSE; instead, create a new, improved version that addresses all the identified issues.
del config['system']
template = signature_to_template(signature, adapter=StructuredOutputAdapter)
modified_kwargs = {
'original_prompt': template(_demos, show_guidelines=False),
'LLM_Response': pred.content.dict(),
# 'critique_on_response': pred.criticise_response
_signature = {
'original_prompt': dspy.InputField(desc="Original Prompt"),
'LLM_Response': dspy.InputField(desc="LLM Response"),
# 'critique_on_response': dspy.InputField(desc="self critique on response"),
'output_with_reasoning': signature.fields['output_with_reasoning']
new_signature = make_signature(_signature, instructions=instructions, signature_name=f"Reflect.{signature.__name__}")
reflected_pred = self.forward(new_signature=new_signature, **modified_kwargs)
reflected_pred.reasoning = pred.reasoning + "\n\nUpon reflecting:\n" + reflected_pred.reasoning
pred = reflected_pred
if kwargs.pop("_trace", True) and dsp.settings.trace is not None:
trace = dsp.settings.trace
trace.append((self, {**kwargs}, pred))
return pred
def TypedCOTPredict(signature, out_type: BaseModel, reflect: bool=False, auto_reflect=False, reasoning:str = None, *, max_retries=3) -> dspy.Module:
class StructuredModel(BaseModel):
reasoning: str = Field(..., description=f"Your observations about the data in INPUTS and reasoning with citations, and how you will follow the task instructions. Use new lines, instead of writing all in one sentence",)
content: out_type
# criticise_response: str = Field(description="critique your response. Identify any mistakes, inaccuracies, or deviations from the instructions with evidence.")
# rate_your_response: int = Field(..., description="Given your critique, rate your response on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is the worst and 5 is the best. More mistakes, inaccuracies, or deviations from the instructions will result in a lower score.")
def get(self, field_name: str):
return self.dict()
response_format = {
"type": "json_schema",
"json_schema": {
"schema": to_strict_json_schema(StructuredModel),
"name": out_type.__name__,
"strict": True,
signature = signature.append('output_with_reasoning', dspy.OutputField(), StructuredModel)
new_signature = make_signature(signature.model_fields, signature.instructions, signature_name=out_type.__name__)
return PredictX(new_signature, response_format=response_format, reflect=reflect, auto_reflect=auto_reflect, reasoning=reasoning, max_retries=max_retries)
class StructuredOutputAdapter(BaseTemplate):
def query(self, example: Example, is_demo: bool = False) -> str:
"""Retrieves the input variables from the example and formats them into a query string."""
result: list[str] = []
# If not a demo, find the last field that doesn't have a value set in `example` and set it to ""
# This creates the "Output:" prefix at the end of the prompt.
if not is_demo:
has_value = [
field.input_variable in example
and example[field.input_variable] is not None
and example[field.input_variable] != ""
for field in self.fields
if not any(has_value):
assert False, "No input variables found in the example"
for i in range(1, len(has_value)):
if has_value[i - 1] and not any(has_value[i:]):
example[self.fields[i].input_variable] = ""
for field in self.fields[:-1]:
if field.input_variable in example and example[field.input_variable] is not None:
if field.input_variable in self.format_handlers:
format_handler = self.format_handlers[field.input_variable]
def format_handler(x):
return str(x).strip()
formatted_value = format_handler(example[field.input_variable])
result.append(f"<{slugify(} desc=\"{field.description}\">\n{formatted_value}\n</{slugify(}>")
return "<INPUTS>\n" + "\n\n".join([r for r in result if r]) + "\n</INPUTS>"
def guidelines(self, show_guidelines=True) -> str:
"""Returns the task guidelines as described in the lm prompt"""
if (not show_guidelines) or (hasattr(dsp.settings, "show_guidelines") and not dsp.settings.show_guidelines):
return ""
result = "Follow the following format.\n\n"
example = dsp.Example()
for field in self.fields:
example[field.input_variable] = field.description
example.augmented = True
result += self.query(example)
return result
def extract(
example: Union[Example, dict[str, Any]],
raw_pred: str,
) -> Example:
"""Extracts the answer from the LM raw prediction using the template structure
example (Union[Example, dict[str, Any]]): Contains the input variables that raw_pred was completed on.
raw_pred (str): LM generated string
Example: The example with the output variables filled in
example = dsp.Example(example)
example['output_with_reasoning'] = json.loads(raw_pred)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
logging.error(f"Failed to decode JSON: {raw_pred}")
raise json.JSONDecodeError
return example
def __call__(self, example, show_guidelines=True) -> str:
example = dsp.Example(example)
output_fields = []
rdemos = [
self.query(demo, is_demo=True)
for demo in example.demos
if (
(not demo.get("augmented", False))
and ( # validate that the training example has the same primitive input var as the template
self.fields[-1].input_variable in demo and demo[self.fields[-1].input_variable] is not None
ademos = [self.query(demo, is_demo=True) for demo in example.demos if demo.get("augmented", False)]
# Move the rdemos to ademos if rdemo has all the fields filled in
rdemos_ = []
new_ademos = []
for rdemo in rdemos:
if all(( in rdemo) for field in self.fields if field.input_variable in example):
ademos = new_ademos + ademos
rdemos = rdemos_
example["augmented"] = True
query = self.query(example)
if ':prompt_inputs' in self.instructions:
self.instructions = self.instructions.replace(':prompt_inputs', query)
parts = [self.instructions, *rdemos, self.guidelines(show_guidelines), *ademos]
parts = [self.instructions, *rdemos, self.guidelines(show_guidelines), *ademos, query, ]
prompt = "\n\n---\n\n".join([p.strip() for p in parts if p])
return prompt.strip()
def structured_output_generate(lm, signature, example, **kwargs):
template = signature_to_template(signature, adapter=StructuredOutputAdapter)
prompt = template(example, show_guidelines=False)
# Generate and extract the fields.
if 'openai' in lm.provider:
lm.system_prompt = kwargs['system']
del kwargs['system']
completions = lm(prompt, **kwargs)
# kwargs['system'] = signature.instructions
# new_signature = make_signature(signature.model_fields, '' , signature_name=signature.__name__)
# template = signature_to_template(new_signature, adapter=StructuredOutputAdapter)
prompt += f"\n\nYour response should strictly follow JSON SCHEMA as given below - a valid json object on one line. Ensure that JSON output uses double quotes for strings, escape special characters like double quotes, backslashes, newlines, and tabs so it can be parsed by json.loads. DO NOT wrap your response in ```json and ```. \n<OUTPUT_SCHEMA>\n" + json.dumps(kwargs['response_format']['json_schema']['schema'], indent=2) + f"\n</OUTPUT_SCHEMA>"
del kwargs['response_format']
completions = lm(prompt, **kwargs)
completions = [template.extract(example, p) for p in completions]
assert all(set(signature.input_fields).issubset(set(c.keys())) for c in completions), "Missing input keys."
_type = signature.fields['output_with_reasoning'].annotation
_completions = [_type(**value) for c in completions
for key, value in c.items() if
key in signature.output_fields]
return _completions[0]
class Movie(BaseModel):
class Actor(BaseModel):
name: str
gender: Literal['male', 'female']
role: str = Field(..., description="Role played by the actor in the movie (e.g. lead, supporting, cameo)")
title: str
year: int
actors: list[Actor] = Field(..., description="List of actors in the movie")
class ExtractMovieDetails(dspy.Signature):
"""Extracts details about a movie based on the user query.
You will be working with the following inputs:
Your response shouldbe factually accurate and relevant to the user query.
query: str = dspy.InputField(description="user query about the movie")
released_after: int = dspy.InputField(description="year after which the movie was released")
prediction = TypedCOTPredict(ExtractMovieDetails, out_type=Movie)(query="in which last movie Tom Cruise did not play the lead role? and who was the lead?", released_after=2000)
You will notice, I have not used dspy.OutputField in signature because my use case required me use choose output schema on the fly.
Not my best work, but it is working for me in production with OpenAI structured output and Cluade.
@okhat please feel free to point out any areas it can be improved
DISCLAIMER: I have not tested it with any optimizers yet, plan to do this week.
@imranarshad fascinating code! any luck of using the modules with optimizers?
@imranarshad Great work! Does this work with MIPROv2?
With OpenAI, it looks like dspy/LiteLLM use chat.completions.create(...)
under the hood at this point? OpenAI's Structured Outputs introduction recommends the usage of the chat.completions.parse(...)
function instead.
This is how I "forced" an OpenAI-compatible response_format
into dspy 2.5, in order to get back a structured object in the response. YMMV.
import pydantic
import dspy
def get_schema(cls: type): # cls is a pydantic.BaseModel class
schema = {
'name': cls.__name__,
'schema': cls.schema()
schema['schema'].update({'additionalProperties': False})
return schema
class SQL(pydantic.BaseModel):
sql: str
response_schema = get_schema(SQL)
response_format = { 'type': 'json_schema', 'json_schema': {'strict': True}}
lm = dspy.LM(model='openai/gpt-4o', response_format=response_format, api_key=...)
>>> import json
>>> json.loads(lm('SQL to describe a table named abc. Only the SQL.'))
[{'sql': 'DESCRIBE abc;'}]
hello, could this be please supported?
Hello DSPy Team,
I want to request the addition of support for OpenAI's structured output in your library.
OpenAI recently introduced structured outputs in their API, which seems to guarantee the generation of 100% valid complex JSONs ( This feature will remove a metric ton of headache by solving many challenges related to JSON validation and parsing.
Could you please consider adding this support as soon as possible? This enhancement would be super beneficial for the whole DSPy community.