stanfordnlp / pyvene

Stanford NLP Python Library for Understanding and Improving PyTorch Models via Interventions
Apache License 2.0
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[Minor] Adding retry to gradient test cases to avoid failure #104

Closed frankaging closed 5 months ago

frankaging commented 5 months ago


Currently, the gradient test cases may fail intermittently due to torch equal tolerance issue. Adding retries to avoid this to keep main branch stable.

Merging unit test cases into a single file for utils.

Testing Done

./juice/scr/wuzhengx/pyvene/pyvene/models/ UserWarning: To copy construct from a tensor, it is recommended to use sourceTensor.clone().detach() or sourceTensor.clone().detach().requires_grad_(True), rather than torch.tensor(sourceTensor).
  mask_sigmoid = torch.sigmoid(self.mask / torch.tensor(self.temperature))
.........Removing testing dir ./test_output_dir_prefix-0037c3
Removing testing dir ./test_output_dir_prefix-ddd423
Removing testing dir ./test_output_dir_prefix-ffb32e
Removing testing dir ./test_output_dir_prefix-045942
Removing testing dir ./test_output_dir_prefix-a95c17

Ran 18 tests in 5.667s



aryamanarora commented 5 months ago

@frankaging why not use torch.isclose()?

frankaging commented 5 months ago

@ZhengPeterWang Adding peter for further refactory